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Bishop Uy calls for protection of Danajon Double Barrier Reef 


In an open letter addressed to fellow Boholanos and “esteemed” government leaders, Bohol Bishop Abet Uy expressed his “utmost urgency and profound concern” over the need to safeguard the Danajon Double Barrier Reef.

“As custodians of this invaluable natural wonder, it is incumbent upon us to exert every effort within our means to ensure its protection and preservation for generations to come,” he wrote.

The Danajon Double Barrier Reef, which runs alongside the northeast coast of Bohol, is a rare geological feature. It is one of only six double barrier reefs globally, with three located in the Indo-Pacific region. Notably, it is the sole one of its kind found in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

The reef comprises a multitude of diverse islets and reef patches that converge to form an inner Calituban and outer Caubyan barrier reef. It boasts a distinctive coral reef ecosystem that serves as a critical breeding ground and habitat for a wide array of fish species, marine mammals, mollusks, and seagrasses.

“The Danajon Double Barrier Reef stands as a testament to the breathtaking beauty and ecological significance of our marine environment,” Bishop Uy stated. 

“Its rich biodiversity and delicate ecosystem are not only a source of wonder and inspiration but also a vital component of our natural heritage.”

Bishop Uy implored all stakeholders, particularly government leaders, to prioritize the conservation of the Danajon Double Barrier Reef above all else. 

He warned against any proposed development initiatives that pose a threat to this irreplaceable gift of nature.

“Let us unite in our shared responsibility to be stewards of the environment and champions of sustainability,” he urged. 

“Together, let us pledge to protect the Danajon Double Barrier Reef as a symbol of our dedication to safeguarding the wonders of our planet and ensuring a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.”

He concluded his letter with a call for solidarity and unwavering determination, hoping that collective efforts would serve as a beacon of hope for the future.

“May our collective efforts serve as a beacon of hope for the future, inspiring others to cherish and protect our natural treasures with the same fervor and reverence that we hold for the Danajon Double Barrier Reef,” he wrote. 

“May God, who is the rightful owner of all that exists, including whatever we possess, bless us all.”


The Danajon Double Barrier Reef, a unique and valuable marine ecosystem, faces several significant threats:

1. Fishing Practices: Overfishing and damaging fishing practices have led to the depletion of the marine population.

2. Sedimentation: Increased sedimentation from coastal development is causing harm to the reef.

3. Pollution: Pollution, including contaminants, is posing a threat to the health of the reef.

4. Climate Change: Climate change, leading to phenomena like coral bleaching and ocean acidification, is a major threat not just to the Danajon Double Barrier Reef, but to all coral reefs globally.

5. Lax Environmental Law Implementation: Ineffective coordination and implementation of environmental laws have been identified as recurring problems.

These threats, if not addressed, could lead to irreversible damage to the reef and its diverse marine life. It’s crucial that conservation efforts are prioritized to protect this invaluable natural wonder.


Yes, there are several ongoing initiatives aimed at preserving the Danajon Double Barrier Reef:

Protect Danajon Project: Launched by the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation (CCEF), this project aims to safeguard the Danajon Bank Double Barrier Reef. 

The project was formally introduced during the Bohol Day Celebration, marking the start of a collaborative effort among stakeholders and partners. 

The project focuses on reinforcing governance structures, deepening community involvement, and promoting environmentally responsible practices.

Bohol Danajon Bank Double Barrier Reef Management Council (DBDBRMC): This council was formed as part of the Protect Danajon Project. It held a meeting following the project’s launch to discuss the project’s objectives and strategies.

Local Government Units (LGUs) Intervention: LGUs have recognized the need for intervention to conserve the Danajon Double Barrier Reef from habitat degradation caused by human activity and environmental changes.

These initiatives represent a significant step towards preserving the Danajon Bank and promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable landscape. 

With the commitment of partner provinces, national government agencies, LGUs, and stakeholders, these projects aim to make a lasting impact on the environment and the communities they serve.

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