Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog
Hydrocarbon Pneumonia
Materials such as furniture polish, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid and gasoline are hydrocarbons and these are accidentally ingested by young children and could result to secondary pneumonitis.
These hydrocarbons in general could be more toxic to the lungs if they have low viscosity and high volatility. Clinically, almost immediately upon digestion, there will be coughing and vomiting.
After how many hours, the patient may have fever and dyspnea. In severe cases, the following may be observed :
– somnolence
– convulsions
– and coma
However, despite the stormy clinical course which averages 2-5 days, recovery occurs in most cases.
Hydrocarbon Pneumonia may complicate into:
– pneumothorax
– subcutaneous emphysema of the chest wall and
– pleural effusion
So, at home we must be very careful and we should keep these chemicals out of reach of children and that these should not be refilled in bottles of juices or drinks that could be mistakenly taken in by children.