Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



With election season faat approaching, politicians begin a mad scramble to position themselves and their interests to align to the ruling forces that dictate the flow of power.Everyone seems to be in a rush to form alliances and forge partnerships to protect their turf.

Unlikely new friendships emerge as politicians try to outdo one another to gain leverage. Luckily for some no likely protagonist may appear to contest their hold to power just yet. But it is no reason to celebrate as anything can happen to tip the scales.

In politics nothing is etched in stone and the situation is fluid and dynamic until the pieces fall into place. But for the most part when rivalries are already clear and established the lines are drawn for players to choose their side.

In the cunning and devious game of politics, navigating it is easier when the lines are clear. Politicians simply choose which side suits them best and their interests.

But what if boundaries are blurred and interests intertwined?  It is much easier to go into battle knowinq who your enemies and rivals are rather than be lured into complacency for lack of a strong opposition.

It is ironic that even withoùt a clear protagonist a leader’s trust ratings drop.Without even the bashings and propaganda coming from the opposition, people’s confidenče in him nosedives.

What this means says a lot about his governance and performance that is disappointing. People may be temporarily blinded and tend to look the other way to allow more latitude to a leader’s shortcomings, but sooner or later they will realize and awake from their deep slumber.

When thiis happens, a leader becomes his own worst enemy ànd his hold to power
erodes graduàlly. Many empires crumbled from within even if not beíng defeated by enemy hands.

A leader fàils not necessarilly  by the doings of others but sometimes because of his own undoing. Karma is a great equalizer that levels the playing field and politìcs is no different.

In the local setting it is interesting to watch as we wait and see.what happens next. 

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