Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza


(Part 5)

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Dr. Bryan, in the continuation of our discussion of Pertussis, what do you think is the best advice at the first sign of a cough? Are we going to the doctor immediately? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Yes, it is best to have your medical check up with the doctor. This way, the patient can be advised of what to do so he will be cured and so that he will not be spreading the disease to others.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  So, it really spreads fast. 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Definitely, because it is airborne. It is like tuberculosis or Covid. As the patient coughs, the virus would also fly anywhere and if you are near the person coughing, there is a big tendency you can inhale what is being coughed out by the person beside you.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Is pertussis wet or dry cough, Dr. Bryan?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Usually, it is dry cough. This means, there is not much phlegm that comes out when one coughs. So the usual symptom is dry cough. We have to remember of the possibility that if you have pertussis now with dry cough, after that, there will be other bacteria that may cause another infection. If this happens, that there is a super infection, the patient may have cough that already includes phlegm. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  May i ask again, Dr. Bryan: Who is most at risk with pertussis?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Those who are most at risk with pertussis are infants below 1 year old. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Why so? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  It is because the immunity of infants is not that strong yet, especially those below 1 year old.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  How about the elderly, Dr. Bryan? Are they also at risk with pertussis?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Yes, especially those with co morbidities. But the risk is more on infants than the elderly. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Are there instances, Dr. Bryan, when pertussis could cause death?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Yes, there are. Pertussis could be dangerous especially if the patient has Whooping Cough and the coughing becomes persistent. This may result to hypoxemia which is characterized by low concentration of oxygen in the blood. (To be continued)

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