The Bohol Island State University (BISU) has officially announced the search for two Private Sector Representatives (PSRs) to join their Board of Regents. The university is inviting the community to nominate suitable candidates for these positions.
Nominations should be addressed to the PSR search committee and submitted to the secretary of the Board of Regents at the BISU-Main Campus, located in Tagbilaran City. It is important that the nominee consents to their nomination.
Eligibility Requirements
The applicants or candidates must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements and standards for the PSR of the Governing Board:
1. Be a Filipino citizen and of legal age.
2. Be from an industry, business, or profession preferably related to the SUC’s charter or mandate.
3. Have at least five years of employment, business, or practice of profession in the private sector.
4. Be domiciled in or a resident for at least two years of the city or province where the SUC or its campuses are located.
5. Not be connected with the SUC concerned or other government agencies and instrumentalities in any manner, for one year immediately prior to his or her nomination to the PSR position.
6. Not currently employed or appointed to any position in the government (local, national, including government-owned and controlled corporations), be it full time or part time, at the time of nomination for the PSR position.
7. Not related to any member of the present Board or their duly-authorized representatives, within fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
8. Not have been a candidate who lost in any national or local election, except for barangay elections, within one year after such election.
Documentary Requirements
In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements, nominees must provide the following documents:
1. Duly notarized application or nomination (with the conforme of the Nominee).
2. Duly accomplished, computerized and notarized Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form 212).
3. Certificate of Employment stating nominee’s present position in the private sector related to the industry, business or profession related to the SUC’s charter or mandate.
4. Service Record of Nominees who have been employed in the government at any point.
5. NBI Clearance.
6. Certification of No Connection with SUC the Nominee is applying or nominated to.
7. Signed Commitment and Availability of the Nominee to serve as PSR.
8. Signed Conforme to the Conditions of PSR as provided in Section 14 of CMO No. 7, series of 2022.
For further inquiries and more information, please contact the Secretariat through the following:
– Dr. Arceli Hernando: amhernando@bisu.edu.ph, 0917-671-0677
– Mr. Xandrex Arellano: xandrex.arellano@bisu.edu.ph, 0935-212-4154
– Ms. Sarra Jane Dongel: boardsec@bisu.edu.ph, 0992-336-7268