Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza


(Part 8) 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  You said last time, Dr. Bryan, that vaccine is now available for Pertussis and that this vaccine may have some side effects on the person.

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Yes, I said that after having the whooping cough vaccine, a person may have some mild side effects like swelling, redness or tenderness of the skin where the vaccine is injected . . .  usually in the upper arm of the person. This is not a cause for worry. All these are normal after a person gets the vaccine. The situation will only last for a few days.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  You also said that one can be infected of Pertussis as this is spread airborne. So is it necessary to wear masks again like what we did during the COVID pandemic?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Definitely. Anything spread airborne may be arrested if one wears the mask. I suggest that we should wear the mask every time we go out of the house especially in crowded areas. This way, we can protect ourselves, not only from Pertussis, but also from other airborne diseases. But when you are staying indoors, especially if there are only few people, you may take off your face mask. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  There is also such a thing as chronic coughing. What is this. Dr. Bryan?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Chronic coughing is a kind of coughing that can be due to allergies or air pollutants. This is characterized by coughing a lot for long periods which can also be a symptom of a health condition, such as COPD or GERD, or a respiratory tract infection. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  So, what are we going to do about it?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  It is important to get a chronic cough checked out especially if you have symptoms that last two months or longer and longer.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  So when there are moments that we cant stop coughing. What are we going to do?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Okay, in these cases, drink plenty of fluid. You can also inhale steam and go to your doctor immediately.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Again. is it okay to wear masks while you are coughing? Doesn’t it suffocate you?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  The mask that you should wear should fully cover the nose resting on the bridge or midpoint of your nose, mouth and chin. You should wear a mask because when you talk, cough or sneeze, you may release tiny drops into the air that can infect others.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Should we cover our mouth with a mask on, Dr. Bryan?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  It is important that for masks to be effective, they have to be worn properly. You have to choose the most protective mask that you are comfortable with. You have to wear the mask at such a duration and style that completely covers your mouth and nose and fits snugly against the sides of your face, leaving no gaps. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Where should we cough? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  We should cough at a certain area where we can cover our nose and mouth with a tissue every time we cough or sneeze. We have to throw the used tissue in a trash bin. 

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