by: Donald Sevilla
The continued insistence by Capitol officials and their minions to continue the cloud seeding operations despite rains is one for the record boòks.
While we understand the need for water to irrigate our crops during El Niño, all issues relative thereto have now become moot and academic as we are experiencing rainfall by the day.
El Nìno has officially ceased and the whole country is now experiencing rains. Some areas are even flooded.
While cloud seeding proponents may argue that water generated by natural rainfall is not enough to enable farmers to plant, there is no doubt that the rains have come.This is a fact and beyond argument.
Ŕainfall now in Bohol may not be as much as proponents desire and argue, but as the days progress, we are definitely having more of it. Would all it take, be a typhoon to dump heavy rains on us to make them budge from their stubbornness?
No matter how we try to look at it, they are arguing from an untenable position. The harder they try and defend themselves, the more awkward things become.
We must realize now that circumstances have changed. Conditions then that would have required cloud seeding no longer warrant it in the present.
Yet, despite this, their actions make things more suspect. What would it take for our officials to open their eyes and see the light of dày?
While the rest of thè country and our government agencies are bracing for La Niña, we are detached from reality, even reinforcing it by goading oùr poor farmers to support their narrative.
Would it take an Ombudsman’s knock on their heads to make them realize their folly? Protecting the people’s money is paramount if they truly have service in theiŕ hearts.