Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Rather than own up to our mistakes, we like to pass the buck to others. We remain proud and aloof, oblivious to our faults. 

Human nature is such that we shy away from being held accountable for our actions. Instead, we try to wiggle out of a situation to avoid culpability. 

When our leaders talk and act irresponsibly, innocent people often suffer unnecessarily. The public suffers from poor judgment and decision making. 

Thus, it is important that our leaders know what they are doing. Governance is not supposed to be a trial and error exercise as it affects people’s lives ànd their future. 

Yet, when elected leaders fail to live up to their tasks, it is a travesty of the people’s trust. It is a breach of our faith in a system that’s put in place to ensure that things work out smoothly in our society. 

But the problem lies when leaders think so highly of themselves that they lose touch with reality. Many feel entitled and blinded by the power bestowed upon them. 

When this happens, we all suffer from a leadership that is unaware of the realities on the ground. This leads to a state of fantasy which is detrimental to society’s growth and development. 

We may think things are okay when they are not. We dèlude ourselves by false assurances and narratives. In other words, we continue to live the lies we were made to believe. 

When this occurs, our society is doomed and we become desperate. So what must we do? 

When choosing our leaders we must be very discerning in our choices. We must not bè awed by mere populàrity alone and look for substance in the people we choose. 

We must always remember that “you cannot give what you do not have.” Nothing comes out from an empty vessel no matter how hard we try to squeeze it . 

Wheń we elect monkeys to lead us, we can expect to be eatìng bananas!

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