Bohol Tribune



Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Lubadlúbad 4, 2024

Mga Lugpong Sa Kaon ug Inom

(Terms for Eat and Drink)


Ang Sugboanon Binisayâ adunay nakalainláin nga mga lugpong kabahin sa kaon ug inom.

Daghan usab ang sa Ininglis, apan magkinahanglan kini og lain nga pulong aron atong matinò ang

ipasabot. Sa Sinugboanon ang paggamit sa matag lugpong igo na nga makapasayod kanimo sa

kahulogan ug unsay buot ipasabot.

Atò karong tukibon ang mga lugpong kabahin sa kaon ug inom.

Kaon (Eat)

1. eat¹ (as cat eating a mouse) – tukób

2. eat² (as chicken with its beak) – túktok

3. eat³ (consume all; no reserve) – samangsámang. syn. hurót

4. eat⁴ (eat raw) – kílaw

5. eat⁵ (general term) – kȧon

6. eat⁶ (gobble the whole) – lámon

7. eat⁷ (like a pig) – húbhob, hábhab

8. eat⁸ (liquid food by tongue) – lâlâ

9. eat⁹ (only one kind of food)-lánlan, lalán. Syn. pas-áy

10. eat¹⁰ (only staple food without viand) -pas-áy

11. eat¹¹ (the leftovers of others) – simô

12. eat¹² (with mouth closed) – húmhom

13. eatable (edible) – makáon. Syn. kan-onon

14. eaten – nakáon, nakakaón

15. eatery (restaurant) – kan-anán. Syn. karihán, hawhawán, karenderiya, painitán

16. eat greedilyhábhab, sá-o. Syn. hangalungálo

17. eatingnagkaón, nagakaón, gakaón

18. eating house (restaurant) – karenderiya (Sp.), karihán

19. eating placekan-anán, kalán-an

20. eat raw (uncooked food) – kílaw

21. eating timetingkaón

22. eating utensilkan-anán, kalán-an. Syn. daga, kubiyértos

23. eat sparingly’ (for lack of food) – lagútom

24. eat sparingly² (no desire to eat) – timîtimi, ngungúti. Syn. puása

25. eat together (dine together) – sálo, sáwo, saw

26. eat with gusto (much appetite) – hangalungálo

27. eat without appetitekimîkími

28. eat up’ (consume before food spoils) – ásam

29. eat up² (erode) – hágod

Inom (Drink)

1. drink¹ (alcoholic liquor) – álak, lagsóy, laksóy, bíno (Sp.), dugisón. Syn. tubá, bahál,

kiláng, tiláng, basí, bahalína, dúlpà, pangásì

2. drink² (by bodily holding and lifting the big container when drinking) – pinsán

3. drink³ (can’t drink anymore; full) – bakayáw

4. drink⁴ (directly from container) – túngab. Syn. tadiyók, yarók

5. drink⁵ (for drinking as wine) – ilímnon

6. drink⁶ (intensely; swill) – ungóng

7. drink⁷ (take in liquid) – inóm

8. drink⁸ (taken as part of meal, as coffee, softdrink, etc.) – dagundón. Syn. háwhaw,


9. drink⁹ (to drink liquor and wine) – inóm, júgom

10. drink¹⁰ (toast) – pabúos, salábat, aláp

11. drink¹¹ (water enter nose) – súd-ip, suláip

12. drink¹² (with container’s mouth to one’s mouth) – tadiyók, yarók

13. drink¹³ (with use of tongue, as dogs do) – láklak

14. drinkablemainóm

15. drinker’ (the one who drinks) – ang nag-inóm

16. drinker² (used to drinking) – palaínom, hinginom. Syn. palahúbog

17. drink holy watertúnlok, túgnob

18. drink hot waterubúob

19. drinking, for – ilímnon, imnonón

20. drinking place¹ (for liquors and wine) – tangwáyan, talanguayán, patintihán (Sp.)

21. drinking place² (for water and other liquids) – imnanán, ilímnan, inománan

22. drinking session (potation) – inom. Syn. tágay

23. drinking utensil (drinking glass) – sáro, agudílà, báso (Sp.)

24. drink it (imperative mode) – ímna, tungába

25. drinks (that go with food as wine, softdrinks, etc.) – dagundón, háwhaw, himagás

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