Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

What is MDR-TB?

(Part 7)

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Dr. Bryan, what are the Dos and DONTs for a patient who has MDR-TB? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  That is a good question. A patient of this illness should spend most of his time out in the open – in a field, park, courtyard or roof. He should not stay in closed, unventilated, crowded and congested rooms. He should also eat a healthy balanced diet that includes milk, green vegetables, etc. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Is it possible that a person may be infected with the TB bacteria but will not show symptoms?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  An individual can have TB bacteria in his body and never develop symptoms. In most people, the immune system can contain the bacteria so that they do not replicate and cause disease. In this case, a person will have TB infection but not active disease.

Doctors refer to this as latent TB. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):   What do you mean?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  What I am trying to say is, a person  may never experience symptoms and may be unaware that he has the infection. There is also no risk of passing it on to another. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  I see. Does this person still need treatment for the bacteria?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Yes! A person with latent TB still requires treatment.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  I have also heard of the term active TB. What does this mean?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Ok, what is active TB? There is a situation wherein the body may be unable to contain TB bacteria. This is more common when the immune system is weakened due to illness or the use of certain medications.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  And what happens, Dr. Bryan?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  When this happens, the bacteria can replicate and cause symptoms, resulting in active TB. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Can that person infect others? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Definitely. People with active TB can spread the infection; 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Who is at risk of getting infected? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  As I said earlier in our conversation the following are at risk of getting the disease: anyone with a weakened immune system; anyone who first developed the infection in the past 2–5 years; older adults and young children; people who inject recreational drugs; people who have not previously received appropriate treatment for TB

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  What else do we have to know about latent TB? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  We have to remember that a person who has latent TB will have no symptoms, and no damage will show on a chest X-ray. Howeer, a blood test or skin prick test will indicate that they have TB infection.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  And those with active TB? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  And those with Active TB may experience a cough that produces phlegm, and he may experience fatigue, fever, chills, and a loss of appetite and weight. Symptoms typically worsen over time, but they can also spontaneously go away and return.

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