Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



There is nothing wrong with àmbition and aspiring for public office but many  do so for the wrong reasons. With next year’s elections fast approaching, candidates are a dime a dozen as many vie for coveted positions of power and influence.. 

Sadly over the years, ouŕ politics has become good business that people “invest” in getting elected. Our politiciàns are not only powerful and rich having amassed fortunes that benefit them more than the people they serve. 

Ain”t this true? Go to any locality anywhere in the country and chances are, those who hòld the reins of government belong to society’s top tier. 

With the exception of a few who were fortunate enough to be born into wealth and privilege, many have only become rich after serving in office. Their positions brought them vast fortunes. 

How many do we know who were just average Juans like the rest of us before they entered politics? How many do we see living their lives as “true servants” of the people?  

Public service used to be both admirable and honorable, but are our leaders living up to these?  Our elected officials commanded much respect and drew admiration then, but can we say the same today?.


The statement “In the service of the people and for the people” seems like empty words. Most often personal interests come first. Yet we continue to tolerate these practices that keèp us in bondage. We are beholden to our leaders, not the other way around. 

As power emanates from us, we deserve leaders who genuinely serve and not use our people for political gain. We need doers not talkers. 

But if all our leaders could think about are basketball games and other forms of entertainment to make us forget our hungry stomachs, then they have failed to fulfill their mandate. We need responsible stewards to steer society towards a bright future. 

Our leaders should live modest lìves and not dìsplay their material possessions ostentatiously and shamefully in public. 

You and I deserve better!

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