Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Rhodora T. Entero

Bleeding Gums: Understanding the Causes and Unusual Oral Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

(Part 6)

This is the 5th part of our discussion of this topic::
Understanding the Causes and Unusual Oral Symptoms
You Shouldn’t Ignore

When Should You Call the Dentist for Bleeding Gum Issues?
You should see a dental healthcare provider or specialist
if the gum bleeding persists. The issue should go away
on its own, but if your gums keep bleeding within a two-
week period, talk to your dentist for more details.
He will either suggest therapy for another underlying
disease or immediate treatment for bleeding gums

complications (such as a thorough dental cleaning or prophylaxis).
What Deficiency Can Cause Bleeding Gums? Gum
bleeding may be a sign of a vitamin K or C deficiency.
This requires a change in diet or taking vitamin
supplements to compensate for your issues.
If your bleeding gums are caused by some other
condition like diabetes, hemophilia, or HIV/AIDS, then it
becomes an issue beyond the expertise of a dentist.
Consult with the appropriate healthcare professional to deal with such diseases.
Why Should Bleeding Gums Be a Cause of
Concern? If you accidentally bite into something hard,
like bone or tough meats, this can cause your sensitive
gums to bleed. Normally, this is no cause for alarm.
However, if your gums frequently bleed at random and
there’s no obvious reason that explains why, this may be
a sign of you having gum disease or another underlying medical issue.
See a dentist if your gums bleed for more than two
weeks or if you experience other symptoms like swollen gums or bad breath.

How Long Can You Leave Bleeding Gums Alone?
Hopefully not long. Like with plaque or tartar, the longer
you ignore your bleeding gums, the worse they will get,
resulting in the slippery slope of you losing all your teeth!
Most bleeding gums don’t require medical attention right
away. Again, if your bleeding persists for longer than two
weeks, you should consult a dentist or dental specialist.
Most underlying issues could get worse if you wait.

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