Bohol Tribune



Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Lubadlúbad 25, 2024

Mga Lugpong Nga Tumbas Sa Ininglis

Gift (Gasa)” Ug “Give (Hatag)


Karong sunod bulan, ang bulan sa Kangurulsol (Semptember), magsugod na ang mga

Pilipino sa pagsaulog sa Surapô (Christmas). Sa tibuok kalibutan, ang Pilipinas ra ang adunay

labing taas nga panahon sa pagsaulog sa Surapô nga gitawag sa kapariang Katsilà nga Pasko sa


Nunot sa maong kasaulogan, atong tukibon ang mga pulong “gasa = gift” ug “hátag = give

nga maoy nabatasan sa katawhan aron pagsaulog.

Mga Lugpong

1. gift (aptitude for) – hílig

2. gift (arrival gift) – tinabóan, tinagbóan, sinugátan

3. gift (birthday gift) – gása, gása sa adláwng natáwhan

4. gift (Christmas gift) – pinaskóhan

5. gift (exchanging gifts) – tagáylo

6. gift (from suitor to sweetheart) – sinák-a

7. gift (general term) – gása

8. gift (given to relatives of prospective bride during negotiations) – áhà

9. gift (given to the newly weds to help them start a new life) – támpà

10. gift (gift giving season or occasion) – surapô

11. gift (gift of jewelry and ornaments) – sadya

12. gift (gift with expectation of favor) – datóng, paábong, pasánib, hingùhingò, lúngat

13. gift (given as gift instead of being sold) – bíhit

14. gift (given by the younger to older sibling for marrying ahead) – linakáran, tinikángan

15. gift (given to widows or widowers) – himálo

16. gift (small gift and token) – duhíl, kalipayón

17. gift (something given freely) – gása, regálo (Sp.), tabuwálo. Syn. hátag, hinátag, hálad

18. gift (talent; ability) – kalalád, abilidad (Sp.), tugá

19. gift (to the parents of the bride) – himúka, bugáy

20. gifted (endowed with natural gift or talent) – gigasáhan, gitugahán

21. gifted (given a gift) – gigasáhan, giregalóhan (Sp.)

22. give (contribute for a cause) – ámbag, tábang

23. give (contribute some money) – ámot

24. give (contribute some things or items) – támpo

25. give (for religious purposes) – tákgay

26. give (let go as fishing line) – túgot

27. give (proffer) – dálit

28. give (transfer freely)- hátag. hatágan, tágà, tagáan

29. give a helping handtúklos, tabangtábang, tábang. Syn. ayúda (Sp.), búlig

30. give-and-take (a system of mutual concessions) – binayloáy, hatagánay

31. give-and-take (compromise; make adjustments) – túsò. Syn. kombényo (Sp.)

32. give authority or power-tugá

33. give away (being detected) – namatíkdan, nabatyagán

34. give away (freebie; given free for buying or patronizing) – panghátag, pakapín, patabán

35. give away (disclose) – túg-an, padayág

36. give away (goodwill money from winnings) – baráto (Sp.)

37. give away (token gift) – duhíl

38. give away the bride (turnover) – hipid. Syn. túnol

39. give back (reciprocate) – bálos, búgti

40. give back (return) – úlì. Syn. bálik, túnol og bálik

41. give company (be with someone) – ubán, ubanán, uban-úban, kuyógan, abayán, tánod,

tanóran. Syn. bántay, bantayán

42. give in (yield just to settle but not convinced) – tugot-límbong

43. given (bestowed) – gíhatag

44. give off (share) – hatag og

45. give off (spew) – bugá

46. givermaghahatág, tighatág

47. give up (surrender; stop) – bísko. Syn. ámpò, úndang

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