Bohol Tribune



Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Kangurulsol 8, 2024

Ang Pulong “Close” Sa Ininglis

Ug Nagkadaiyang Tumbas sa Sinuboanong Binisayâ


Ang Ininglis nga pulong “Close” adunay nagkadaiyang kahulogan ug kagamitan sa

Ininglis. Sa maong pagkaági, atong mapaabot nga ang Binisayâ aduna usab ing nagkalainlain nga

mga tumbas nga kagamitan ug mga kahulogan.

Sa akò karon nga nabuhat nga kapulongnan (dictionary), aduna akoy nakaplagan nga 317

ka mga nagkadaiyang tumbas sa pulong “close”. Dili natò madahán sa pagtukib ang mga pulong.

Atò lamang hagpaton ang mga tipik sa mga tumbas sa kahulogan sa “close”.

Mga Pulong

1. close¹ (almost) – hápit, duól

2. close² (as close a road) – lik-op

3. close³ (congested) – súnson, dúg-ol

4. close⁴ (cover with a lid) – tábon, sámpong

5. close⁵ (cover with a panel, as door) – lukób, lúkban, sirá (Sp.)

6. close⁶ (end)-ták-op, human, úndang, tápos

7. close⁷ (near) – duól. Syn. tapád

8. close⁸ (not open; shut) – tak-op, tákpan, tík-op, sirá (Sp.), sirádo (Sp.)

9. close a wound’ (almost healed) – búni. Syn. álim

10. close a wound² (by stitching) – pílot, píkot

11. close-by¹ (nearby) – duól. Syn. silíngan

12. close-by² (so close, with occasional contact) – sulíping

13. close call (nearly) – hápit, diriyót, lábhit

14. close-cropped (as hair or grass cut very short) – dípdip, itíp, túptop

15. closed circuit (a circuit through which current flows; circuitry) – kambayá sa dagítab

16. closed corporation (corporation owned by members of a family and relatives) – haóp sa


17. close door conference (Executive Session) – tabikóng

18. closed season (that part of the year when it is prohibited to catch or get certain animal, fish,

or plants)- tinghíb-as

19. close-fit (fit snugly) – haóm, hústo (Sp.), sapák, síbò, sígò

20. close friend (pal) – sandúrot, suód, löt

21. close-lipped (taciturn) – patilúblob, hilomón

22. closely spaced (little gap) – banós, síkit

23. close-mouthed (uncommunicative) – ták-om, hílom, hilomón

24. closeness’ (be near each other, as arrangement) – kabanós. Syn. kadíkit, kasikit

25. closeness² (intimateness) – kasúod, pagkasúod

26. close-open’ (as swing-door) – bukás-búkas, ábli-sirádo (Sp.)

27. close-open² (close and open the fingers repeatedly) – kítoy, kapítoy. Syn. kítiw

28. close-order drill (formal formation marching) – túgdangbánsay. Syn. sanaysánay

29. close quarters (hand-to-hand combat/ fighting)-dinutdótay. Syn. dúmog

30. close rank (close spacing of rows) – sumól. Syn. dúg-ol, dútdot

31. close resemblance (similar to) – hawíg, ámgid, ágid, máy-ong, aron-áron, susáma

32. close shave¹ (cut the hair very short) – lagúrol

33. close shave² (narrow escape; close call) – diriyót

34. close stitch (buttonhole stitch) – sád-ong

35. close the account (pay the debt) – impas sa útang [impas (Sp.)], bayád

36. close the debate (end the debate)-ták-op sa lantúgi

37. close the eye¹ (close the eyelids) – piyóng, lákob

38. close the eye² (close one eye as when sighting a rifle) – kílit. Syn. hiyóng

39. close the mouth (the lips are closed) – ták-om

40. close to¹ (as close to shore) – támpi

41. close to² (go near) – hábig

42. close to³ (near) – duól. Syn. hápit

43. close together¹ (as close friend) – sandúrot, suód

44. close together² (follow very closely) – síkit

45. close together³ (near) – duól, dúg-ol

46. close together⁴ (pressed very close) – dútdot, siót

47. close together⁵ (somewhat joined) – díkit

48. close-up (a picture taken at close distance) – duól nga kúhà

49. closure¹ (end; conclusion) – ták-op; pagták-op, tápos, úndang

50. closure² (shutting up) – sirá, pagsirá (Sp.)

Daghan pa kaayo ang walâ maapil sa talaan sa ibabáw.

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