Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Choice is equated with freedom, the absence of which spells the death of a democratic society. 

When we are given the mandate to choose people who will lead us, we must choose wisely and well. For politics is a complex game of wits and chicanery. Some people are just plain lucky for being at the right time and place while others are just simply devious and cunning. 

Either way when we are left with no alternative choice, we have given up on ourselves. It only shows the state of desperation and hopelessness our peoplè feel. 

When society starts feeling apathy and indifference, hope is lost and change is a foregone dream. It leads us to ponder whether some people are just so fortunate that the stars always align in their favor or are we being punished to atone for our sins? 

While we may have a lot of things to còmplain about, do we have the courage to speak out and stand for what we believe in? In a world of compromises and concessions, do we have the strength to see things through? Can we rise above ourselves and our personal interests? 

If we arrive at the crossroads we are in now, we only have ourselves to blame. We allowed òur politicians to make “profitable careers” out of public service. Ensuring their continuity in office is their strong motivation since day one. as all else, is relegated to the background. 

Once elected,except for a few good men, the people are forğotten. The rest of their days in office are spent ensuring their victory at the next polls and stockpiling on resources to fund their campaigns. 

This said, it is no wonder that hardworking, well- meaning leaders lose to people-savvy, back-patting hypocrites! This is the sad state of our politics, as it was and will be if we do not muster the courage to challenge ourselves to change our ways. 

Is our society hopeless? Is Bohol helpless? The answer lies in the sad faces of ouŕ children who stare at ùs in the eyes, wondering what happened.

May the Heaqvens help us as ominous clouds loom in the horizon!

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