Bohol Tribune



Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Kangurulsol 29, 2024

Mga Pulong Sinugboanon sa Huni

(Sugboanon Words for Music)

Unang Bahin (Part I)


Sa gulâ sa pamantalaan The Bohol Tribune alang sa Kangurulsol 22, 2024, gipahalipayanang Loboc Children’s Choir (Sambagay sa mga Batà sa Loboc) alang sa ilang nadawat nga gantigikan sa Cultural Center of the Philippines (Halamanong Talimútngà sa Pilipinas). Ang maongpasidungog gihinganlan og “Gawad CCP Para sa Sining (Ganti sa CCP Alang sa Alampat)” ngagitunol niadtong niaging ika-20 sa Kangurulsol, 2024 didto sa Manila.

Atong hinumdoman nga ang lungsod sa Loboc, Bohol aduna nay taas nga kutay sa sulsog(old tradition still practiced) kabahin sa huni. Sa tuig 1602 kun 422 na ka mga katuigan angmilabay, ang Colegio De Loboc sa mga Heswetas nagtudlò na sa huni ug awit hangtod sakahabogon nga Bakáyaw nga Maghuhuni (Minstrel level) nga ang nakatapos mahimo nang mabuhi pinaagi sa pagamit sa iyang kasising (ability).

Busà atong mapaabot nga ang pinulongan nga Sinugboanong Binisayâ aduna nay daghang mga pulong alang sa huni. Adunay kasulatan (record) nga sa tuig 1709, ang dako-dakò sa mga Heswetas nangasabà sa mga pari sa Loboc nganong gibinisayâ ang mga awit sa pag-ampò sa simbahan. Sa atò pa, dugay na nga nagbinisaya ang mga Lubokanon alang sa ilang pag-ámpò. Tungod kay daghan man uyamot ang mga pulong (mokapin sa 300), atò kining tukibon nga bahin-bahinon.

Mga Pulong

1. accompanied (supported by music) – dinuyógan, gitugtógan

2. accompaniment (music that supports)-álas, bángdal, dúndon, dúyog, tokár (Sp.), túgtog

3. accompanist (play with music) – tigduyóg, tigtúgtog, tigtokár

4. accompany (play music) – dúyóg, túgtog

5. accordion (a portable musical instrument) – akordiyón (Sp.)

6. affetuoso (soft music) – nánoy, lumo nga húni

7. aloud (audible, as voice) – makusóg nga tíngog, lánog. Syn. gáhob

8. alto voice – lanóy

9. andante (in music, it means moderately slow) – uguy-úgoy

10. animato (lively music) – sádyà nga húni

11. anthem (song dedicated to a purpose) – kantigá

12. aphonia (loss of voice due organic cause) – paós

13. aria (elaborate melody) – hanánoy

14. aubade (morning music) – manyaníta (Sp.)

15. ballad (narrative song; lay) – anúng-anóng, sugiláwit. Syn. kansiyón (Sp.), kurído, salúma

16. band (musical group) – bánda (Sp.)

17. bandmaster (leader of a musical band) – maéstro sa bánda (Sp.)

18. bandore (kind musical instrument) – bandórya (Sp.)

19. banjo (stringed musical instrument) – bandíyo (Sp.), banjo (Eng.)

20. baritone voicegáhod

21. basal tone of voice (loud, basal voice of man or animal) – hulubáhob

22. bass voicelaghóng, báhon, báho (Sp.)

23. beat (as music) – túltog, kómpas (Sp.)

24. canorous (melodious; musical) – manánoy, sunánoy

25. cantabile (melodious, flowing music) – nánoy, manánoy

26. cantata (drama that is vocalized and not acted) – awit-bagsik, kantáda (Sp.)

27. canticle (kind of poem; non-metrical hymn) – húdlò, kantikó (Sp.), baláwit. Syn. dihál

28. caress (by voice) – hádlà. Syn. hanaló

29. carol (as Christmas carol; noel) – dáygon

30. chamber concert (a concert of chamber music) – sagúbin nga konsiyérto

31. chamber music (music composed for a small group and played in private homes) – sagúbin         nga húni

32. change (of voice, opinion, etc.) – lubád, lubád sa tíngog

33. chant (singing intonation in speech) – bákton. Syn. talíndaw

34. chanteuse (a woman singer) – babáyeng mag-aawít

35. chest register (lower tones of the human voice) – dághong. Syn. hagúbhob

36. choir (group of singers) – sambágay. Syn. kóro (Sp.)

37. choir leader (precentor; one who leads the choir or congregation in singing) – tigkinákil

38. choir loft (a gallery in a church set aside for the choir) –kóro (Sp.)

39. choir singer’ (female) – kantóra (Sp.), babáyng mag-aawít

40. choir singer² (male) – kantór (Sp.), laláking mag-aawít

41. choir singers (choir members) – kantóres (Sp.)

42. choirmaster (one who directs or trains a choir) – maestro (Sp.), magtutúon, kinákil

43. choral (song composed for a choir or chorus; chorale) – inambáhan

44. chord (string of musical instrument) – kuwérdas (Sp.)

45. chord (the combination of tunes) – ganayán sa tunóg

46. chorister (choir singers) – kantóres (Sp.)

47. chorus (speaking or singing simultaneously) – sálak, koro (Sp.). Syn. sambágay

48. clarinet (musical instrument) – lantóy. Syn. tarambóan

49. clavichord (a keyboard musical instrument; predecessor of the piano) – klabicordíyo (Sp.)

50. clear and melodious (and can be heard afar) – luyáw. Syn. tín-aw

51. clef (a symbol placed on the staff to show the pitch of the notes) – klábe (Sp.)

52. coda (a passage in music) – palubád

53. coloratura soprano (soprano voice of unusually high pitch) – lidúglidóg nga dasíg

54. con brio (music: with spirit) – bíbo (Sp.), sádyà, madasígon

55. con moto (vivaciously; in music it means with action) – dáyak. Syn. sádyà

56. concent (harmonize, as voices) – bángdal

57. concert (musical rendition) – pasundáyag sa sunánoy, konsiyérto (Sp.). Syn. talíndaw

58. concerto (musical composition in three movements by a solo instrument) – sagmugón

59, conduct (lead a musical group) – kinákil

60. conservatory (school of music) – tulunghaán sa musiká, konserbatóryo (Sp.)

61. contrabass (musical instrument whose range is below the bass) – kontrabáho (Sp.)

62. contralto (the lowest female voice or the highest male voice)- tíngog-lútang

63. contrapuntal (pertaining to counterpoint in music) – dagnanóyon

64. contrapuntist (skilled in musical counterpoint0 – tigdagnánoy

65. countertenor (adult male voice higher than the tenor) – tingog-lútang

66. country music (folk song) – banikánhong áwit

67. crack (voice that suddenly break, as singer who fails a high pitch) – kagál. Syn. lubád

68. dead march (funeral music; dirge) – hubát

69. dirge (funeral music) – hubát

70. disharmonious (discordant, as sound or voice) – lisag, sintonádo (Sp.), yabág

71. ditty (simple song) – ganánoy, laylay

72. do (first note of the musical scale) – do (Sp.)

73. dodecaphonic (twelve tone in music) – gipôduhá ka tunóg

74. drum (musical instrument) – gimbál, gimbáw, atabál, tamból (Sp.), bómbo (Sp.)

75. drumbeat (that determines the rhythm of the music) – tikadóng, pangúmpas (Sp.)

76. drumbeater (one who beats the drum) – tamboléro (Sp.), tigbasál, tigbasál sa tamból

77. duet (musical performance for two) – duháwit

78. echo (repetition) – alingawngáw. Syn. aningál, anigál, kánay

79. eighth note (musical note one eight the time value of a whole note) – sikawaló sa nóta

80. fa (fourth note of musical scale) – pa (Sp.)

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