Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In


Nowadays it is difficult to find a breed of politicians with integrity and impeccable character who espouses traditional values of party loyalty and discipline. 

Gone were those days when party affiliation or membership was looked upon with dignity and respect. Most of those who sought to run for office affiliated themselves with those that serve their interests best. 

In the cunning game of politics, survival matters, such that to keep themselves in power, politicians make a beeline for the administration party to be allied with the ruling powers. 

Make no mistake as this ensures a security of tenure and continuity. Erstwhile, allies become foes and former political rìvals now become allies. 

Yet, this practice paves the way for a lot of compromises and horse-trading. More often than not, principles are traded for self- interest and political survival. 

While not ideal, this is the reality in the world of politics. Rather than uphold the lofty ideals of party visions and aspirations, this leads to a rise in political turncoatism. 

Is this not what we are seeing now? People jumping from one political party ţo another for their convenience? But what good will this bring to a society already in chaos?  It only adds to a colorful spectacle of distrust, backstabbing and confusion.

Yet instead of leveling up to becoming a stable and mature democracy, we are back to bickering like children fighting for parental favor and attention. 

The filing of certificates of candidacy for the upcoming elections has just started and we are seeing more of this drama. Amid the noise and fanfare of our political intramurals, the interests of our people are forgotten. 

We are caught up in the heat of the moment that we forget the main purpose for which elections are held, to choose our 

“public servants” to look after our welfare. 

While the intentions are noble, all is lost in the quagmire of self-preservation and survival in the messy world of politics. Very seldom are our leaders absolutely loyal to us and to their parties as they are to themselves!

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