Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In


“Coming together is a beginning;

keeping together is progress: 

working together is success.”

By Edward Everett Hale


In the local setting, who would have thought that former Tagbilaran CIty Mayor Atty. Dan Lim could join forces with the likes of former Governors Rene Relampagos, Atty. Edgar Chatto and Atty. Art Yap? 

Political rivals for years having been on opposite sides of Bohol politics – it only shows that  above and beyond personal differences, there must be  a higher calling that could band leaders together. 

When one has been given the chance to serve the people’s mandate in all sincerity, there lies in his heart a yearning to look after the people’s welfare and to stand up to challenges that threaten ìt, even after his call of duty. 

Mature leaders do not take things personally, but rather look forward to leaving a legacy that would last, long after they’re gone. 

While there are no perfect leaders, there is no taking away the fact that deep in their hearts, true leaders liķe prepared Bòy Scouts are always up for the challenge. 

So what could possibly bring these unlikely allies together? 

While the present Capitol Administration presented itself  off to a good start to the Boholano public, the opposite  is true and people are just starting to awaken and open their eyes to reality, having suffered from the high cost of basic goods and staple, and lack of betterment in their lives. 

Lofty campaign promises remain unfulfilled and after almost three years in office, nothing concrete has been shown to improve the lives of our people. We slid back on the gains of the past that any well meaning, patriotic Boholano could not just stand doing nothing. 

Perhaps the last straw that broke the camel’s back was the apparent inaction by the Provincial Leadership to protect the interests of our Boholano electric consumers when the sale of Salcon’s 70% stake in the joint venture company BLCI (Bohol Light Company Inc.) was first reported in the national news. 

Such inaction/delayed reaction by the Provincial Government has given rise to a lot of questions and suspicions that this could just be the tip of the iceberg. 

Rather than be totally transparent about it, the hush- hush chàin of events that transpired led many to dig deeper and look at tell-tale signs on the wall. 

Now talks are abuzz that BOHECO 1 and 2 are being eyed for privatization and that MORE POWER’s buy-in into BLCI  is jùst a stepping stone to the conglomerate’s entry into controlling vital aspects of Bohol’s economy. 

After BLCI, what’s next?  Remember the corporate behemoth behind this takeover has varied interests into utilities, port operations and gaming facilities to name a few.  Are we to expect gambling casinos soon to operate in our province? 

This administraton’s actions speak for itself. When business interests take precedence over governance, what happens to public interest? 

The old Tagbilaran airport has been offered for lease to a BPO facility but we haven’t heard of any public bidding to that effect. A big shipyard facility has been constructed and is operating in the  mangrove areas of a Northern Town under the noses of our environmentalists who were caught offguard. Our global UNESCO geopark has been defaced in the name of tourism. What more do we need to see before we muster the courage to stand up and speak out? 

Former Mayor Atty. Dan Lim has been consistent, having takèn it upon himself to pursue his advocacy of protecting the interests of our Boholano consumers from high and monopolistic electricity rates. He is the last man standing having taken the cudgels with the likes of Atty.Vic de la Serna and Atty. Tex Ochavìllo who have since passed away. 

He may have his share of controversies in the past but who doesn’t? It should not deter anyone from listening to a good cause which he is passionately espousing. 

While we had our public differences in opinion on certain issues, at the ripe age of 72 and with so many years in public service, he has gained wisdom more than each of us. 

Yet, what is interesting here is that Àtty. Lim had been appointed Vice Chairman  of OGAR (Office of Governance Accountability and Review) by the Governor who he’s running against. This was an office created by the Governor to be a cornerstone of his administration and to define his governance. 

But what happened behind closed doors? What could Mayor Lim have seen and observed that prompted him to rise beyond himself for the love of Bohol? 

Clearly then, this coming election is one for the history books. Perhaps this is the first time that a gubernatorial candidate has been supported fully by three past governors.  What could the message be? 

Some may not like Atty.Lim and may criticize him harshly along with his allies but the message ìs resounding and beyond personalities, anchored on legitimate issues. 

In the days ahead, we can’t wait to hear what more, former Mayor Lim has to say. He has been privy to the capitol and knows whereof he speaks. 

For us Boholanos, it’s time to listen intently with discernment and stand up for the love of our province. Surely, there are things here worth reflecting upon beyond politics. 



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