Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Rhodora T. Entero

The Daily Power of Smiles: Unveiling the Hidden Benefits of Smiling

(Part 3)

Dealing with Dental Emergencies and Dental Stress

As always, avoid emergencies by taking good care of your teeth and smiling. Start by reducing the amount of starchy, sugary foods and drinks you consume then go from there. It’s for your own good.

Additionally, you can reduce pain and stop more complications from happening by being prepared to deal with dental emergencies.

*How to Floss with a Toothache: Carefully floss the area surrounding your tooth to get rid of trapped food debris then rinse your mouth with warm water. This should help alleviate pressure.

*How to Deal with a Knocked-Out Tooth: If you’ve knocked your tooth out, try to put it back into its socket or keep it in saliva or milk until you can get to the dentist. Otherwise, just go to the dentist ASAP.

*Stress Management and Dental Health: There are many forms of stress out there. In smile terms, the ones you should watch out for the most are teeth grinding (bruxism). Your stress can lead to oral destruction.

*Save Your Smile from Stress: To save your smile from stress, smile more to reduce stress. Also, when it comes to stress manifested through teeth grinding, try other stress-reduction methods like deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation.

*Control Your Bruxism and Stress: You can also use special mouth guards (like those used in boxing, MMA, wrestling, and full-contact sports) to keep you from grinding your teeth while sleeping. Consult your dentist for more details.

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