Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog


This disease entity is caused by a group of organisms which are gram negative and non motile. 

It has four major serologic groups but most infections are produced by Shigella dysenteriae. 

Infection is due to its ingestion through contamination of fingers, toilet seats , glass and tableware and the consumption of foods or water contaminated with fecal material by food handlers or flies.

Clinically, the incubation period lasts for three to seven days. The affected individual will manifest the following: fever, in children because of the high fever, there may be accompanying convulsion, colicky abdominal pain and tenderness, anorexia, malaise, weakness, diarrhea where the stool may be watery later with pus and blood, tenesmus, in some cases, because of too much straining during numerous defecation there maybe rectal prolapse especially in undernourished children; some will have respiratory symptoms like cough and even pneumonia, sometimes, nonsuppurative arthritis and peripheral neuropathy are encountered

This is a preventable disease and what is important is proper hygiene and cleanliness of the surroundings. Each household should have: proper toilet and functioning sewage system, potable drinking water, good sanitation and proper hygiene practices, food handlers should do proper handwashing before preparing foods.

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