Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Cora E. Lim

Arthritis: Do I have it?

Part 2

What are the Psychological factors associated with pain?

The psychological factors associated with pain are: Depression, Hopelessness, Loss of relationships, Sleeplessness, Opiate addiction fears, Anxiety and Tolerance concerns, Alienation and Work loss fear.

What is Ambulatory Rheumatology, Arthritis-Rash Syndromes, Chronic Rheumatic Diseases, Serious Rheumatic Disease?

* Ambulatory Rheumatology – refers to Soft tissue rheumatism, Osteoarthritis, and Gout.

* Soft Tissue Rheumatism –  this refers to Tendonitis, 

Bursitis, and Muscular strain/Myofascial pain

* Soft Tissue Rheumatism – refers to rheumatism of the bone, capsule, synovium, fibrocartilage pad, joint space, hyaline articular cartilage, skin & subcutaneous tissue, bursa, enthesis, tendon sheath, tendon, muscle, ligamentous thickening of capsule and bursa.

What are the Causes of Soft Tissue Rheumatism? 

The causes of soft tissue rheumatism are: Overuse or injury; Incorrect posture; Structural abnormalities e.g. polio, scoliosis; Associated with arthritides e.g. RA, gout, OA; Occasionally from an infection and Very often unknown

What are involved in the Shoulder Pain Syndromes? These are the: Supraspinatus muscle, Glenohumeral fossa, Subacromial bursa, Lesser tubercle, Greater tubercle, Intertubercular groove, Deltoid muscle, Clavicle, Acromion, Coracoacromial ligament, Coracoid process, Subscapular fossa, Intertubercular synovial sheath, and Humerus.

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