Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Rhodora T. Entero

Dental Care

Part 1

The Advantages of Regular Dental Checkups: Why Dental Health Maintenance Matters

In the pursuit of happiness, smiles matter. It’s known as the instant facelift for a reason. It’s the easiest way for you to express happiness, uplift your mood, or send a message of friendliness to others, thus making you more beautiful than usual.

Smiles also help people know when their jokes are funny, their presence is appreciated, and their companionship is enjoyable.

Never underestimate the power of your smile. In fact, you should do everything in your power to maintain your smile by observing regular dental checkups for the sake of dental health maintenance.

The Importance of Dental Checkups

It’s important for your oral and dental health as well as overall health to have regular checkups. There are many benefits to be had from such checkups that extend all the way to a pearly white and well-preserved smile.

*The Need for Dental Exams: You also need those dental examinations to check if you’re developing dental caries or have an erupting impacted tooth. You want to know if there’s something amiss or if you have a clean bill of health.

*Dental Preservation Through Testing: Even with healthy teeth and gums, dental checkups help tremendously in keeping them healthy, white, and hole-free.

*The Limits of Daily Hygiene: Sure, the fluoride in your tap water and tooth paste also assists in strengthening your teeth enamel along with your daily dose of calcium. However, some dental assistance from a certified expert certainly won’t hurt.

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