Bohol Tribune

Stare Decisis



Amidst the partisan political skirmishes between President Ferdinand “Bong-Bong” Marcos, Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte and their respective families and supporters, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), the mandatory aggrupation of lawyers in the country, maintains its political neutrality amidst call to take a stand against the act of Congress citing in contempt Vice President Duterte’s Chief of Staff, Atty. Zuleika Lopez, for refusing or evading answers when questioned regarding Vice President Duterte’s spending of confidential funds. 

Citing Section 4 of the IBP By-Laws, to wit: “Section 4. Non-political bar. – The Integrated Bar is strictly non-political, and every activity tending to impair this basic feature is strictly prohibited and shall be penalized accordingly x x x”, the IBP issued an Official Statement on 27 November 2024 signed by its President, Atty. Antonio C. Pido, refusing to take a stand against the said order declaring the concerned individual (obviously referring to Atty. Lopez) in contempt. The reason being is that it will surely be interpreted as an activity that tends to impair the basic feature of the IBP as a non-political organization. Also, the IBP emphasized in its Official Statement that the reason why Atty. Lopez was invited was not because she is a lawyer but as a Chief of Staff of Vice President Duterte. Moreover, the IBP also stated that rights of individuals appearing as resource persons by Congress have been defined by the Supreme Court. Finally, the IBP stated that knowing her rights, the person concerned is encouraged to immediately take legal action to protect her rights. 

Although many lawyers are not satisfied by this Official Statement of the IBP, this representation deems the same justified and necessary as divisiveness has no place within the organization. Taking sides will just divide or polarize the Bar just as the nation is deeply divided and polarized at the moment. Besides, the IBP cannot just pre-empt the Supreme Court if cases will indeed be filed to protect the interest of Atty. Lopez. 

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