Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Every year added is another year closer to our rebirth. We live on borrowed time and how we make the most of our journey through the years , marks our legacy on this earth. 

Things we could have done but did not do, Things we did but were better off not doing. All these make up for our success or failure in this temporal world. 

Yet, we often equate success with material comfort and measure it by the wealth we have gained. No matter how rich or wealthy we may be, this does not guarantee happiness and peace. 

A true measure of success is in  how we feel contented and satisfied with the things we already have. Honor, dignity and character matter. While material things are fleeting, these are not. 

Men rise above themselves when they learn to let go of the things that weigh them down. We soar to greatness when we have no extra baggage to hinder us. 

So we must treasure our “moments” in this earth and cherish them for our well-being. Have we lived a fulfilling life? Endowed with meaning and purpose? Will our lives matter to those we leave behind? 

The answer lies in our ability to find contentment and peace in ourselves. When we have done this, we can see how blessed we are and learn to appreciate life more. When we gain a good outlook in life, it radiates to others around us. 

Our positivity contaminates and infects people to do the same. It helps us become a catalyst for positive change which we badly need in this tumultuous world. 

In doing so, we find meaning and purpose in our existence. We are, because we live; we have lived because of who we become. 

Look around and find your inner peace! 


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