Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In


By:Donald Sevilla 

We always look forward to the coming of the New Year, where we await with great excitement and festive revelry its arrival. 

The New Year celebrations are always a big deal in different parts of the globe and the famous Times Square ball drop stands out above the rest. 

Here, the midnight countdown is met with a lavish display of fireworks and merrymaking. People from all walks of life gather in this bustling New York city business intersection to greet the New Year with a bang.


This tradition of making noise and  creating a ” bang” started with old superstition intended to drive evil spirits away. The ancient Chinese invented firecrackers and the rest is history. 

Thus we blow our horns and honk our cars,  turn on our appliances and radios, run our engines and just about every conceivable way to create noise when the clock strikes twelve at midnight on New Year’s eve. All to break bad luck and ward off spirits that cause us misfortune. 

But beyond the fanfare and joyous celebrations of the holidays starting at Christmas,  lies a deeper meaning and significance to our lives. 

All year round for the past 365 days we have been living, going about our daily routines, facing our struggles and challenges to the best we can. We are glad to have survived and rejoice at the prospects of a better year to come. 

We end the past year with high hopes and a renewed enthusiasm to go on living. We look back to learn lessons from the past to help us do better in the future. 

It is a moment for introspection and deep reflection as we take time to pause to see where we are heading. We re-energize ourselves to catch our bearings and not lose sight of our goals and aspirations. 

This is the spirit that prompts us to do away with our past mistakes and embrace the year ahead with renewed vigor. Armed with valuable lessons, we discard our old ineffective ways and welcome new approaches to make our lives better. 

As we come closer to the New Year countdown, let us not forget to be thankful for all the good graces we received. We rejoice at being blessed and given another opportunity to improve ourselves. 

Welcome 2025 !

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