Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In

By: Donald Sevilla


To many the New Year heralds a fresh start, a new chapter in our lives. Whatever pitfalls and shortcomings of the past are now memories of days gone by that ought to teach us valuable lessons in our life’s journey. 

We all look forward with hope  to the days ahead, full of optimism and vigor to meet life’s challenges head-on. 

Yet for the most part we  start the year with a list of resolutions, of things we wish to improve upon. Whether we live up to it and fulfill them is  a struggle that depends on how committed we are to achieving our goals.. 

While our lives are made easier by careful planning and discipline, we must take care not to make haphazard and instantaneous decisions not well thought of 

To keep ourselves on the right track, we must always discern our actions and choices. In this manner, we avoid falling for the same mistakes twice over. 

To be free from the clutches of our past mistakes is in itself already a partial victory. But to totally liberate ourselves from the entanglements of our past and be able to move forward are things we must strive harder at to gain full victory. 

With no extra baggages to weigh us down we can breeze through life comfortably. Our goals become achievable and  our visions clearer. 

These are the things upon which our success or failure is contingent upon. To succeed we must shed off the unwanted remnants of the past that enslave us. 

We must start clean and fresh, free from bondage. Let us unburden ourselves and start the New Year right! 



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