Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In

By: Donald Sevilla


2025 could be off to a bad start, for the province’s top leadership that is. When all appears not well amid a myriad of problems that look us in the eye, it seems  our ship’s captain has taken a break for ” personal reasons”  and hied off to some foreign land.

There is nothing wrong in allowing ourselves some “me time”. We need it to keep our sanity during difficult and stressful situations. But to appear to shy away from responsibility at a time of great need is the exact opposite of what true leadership and public service entall.

The year past was marked not so much by stellar accomplishments and concrete gains. In fact during preparations for our Christmas eve”s “noche buena” and the New Year’s “media noche”, we were in for a shock as the prices of fish and other essentials suddenly became unreasonably expensive. This continues to persist today.

While the old year could have ended on a high note, we were faced by the grim reality of alarming data that shows us where we actually are.

The spate of drug arrests that ran into the millions and crimes committed that were unheard of before, portrays a different picture of a peaceful and progressive society. The rising cases of HIV/ AIDS are both shocking and alarming to a conservative Boholano populace.

Reports of capitol GO employees having positive drug test results and the ASF outbreak in some of our major towns add to the headaches that continue to plague us. We can downplay these problems and declare everything is under control and manageable, but where is our leadership?

Perhaps we have been looking the wrong way from the start. Who really is in charge to lead us out of harm’s way? Perhaps the rumors are true that there are a lot of ” governors” running the show as we haven’t seen decisive actions just yet.

Perhaps we have been busy with sports and other activities that we have forgotten the essentials of governance.

Whatever the reasons are, it is clear that we cannot get our acts together. For the most part of three years what have we got to show and be proud of?

While “a swallow does not a summer make” we cannot just dismiss the data we are being confronted. These figures don’t lie to portray the real state of affairs we are in.

Yet at the very least these are ominous signs of the days ahead, a rude awakening for all of us. Let us remember that when we choose leaders  we must be fully aware of the consequences of our choices. Did we choose well? The answer is blowing in the wind.

But am I surprised? Hell no!

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