Bohol Tribune


Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Ulalong 12, 2025

Mga Lugpong sa: Lamî, Tam-is, Tiláw


Ang mga lugpong (terms) adunay tumbas sa Ininglis nga lamî = “taste; flavor”, tam-is =

“sweet”, ug tiláw = “taste; try the taste“. Apan ang tam-is (sweet) dilì na mohaom ang ipasabot

kun ang “sweet” gamiton na nga pangságbot (combining) nga pulong sama sa “sweet smell” nga 

tumbas sa humót sa Binisayâ ug walâ magdala sa pulong “tam-is”. 

Inig tandì na sa mga kahulogan sa mga pulong, ang mga hubad magkabalhinbalhin na sa

paggamit sa Binisayâ. Atong tukibon karon ang mga katumbas sa Ininglis sa mga lugpong Binisaya

nga “lamî”, “tám-is”, ug “tiláw”.

Mga Lugpong

1. flavor (taste) – lamî, kalamî

2. flavor, to (put seasoning) – palamí, lása, témpla (Sp.). Syn. panakótan

3. flavoring (additive to make a distinctive taste) – lamás, panákot, palamî

4. flavorless (tasteless) – wáylami, waláy lami. Syn. táb-ang, lápsaw, lás-ay, lád-ang

5. sweet (agreeable to the sense of taste) – tám-is. Syn. lamî, lamian

6. sweet and salty (type of taste) – tagsán, yam-is

7. sweet and sour (type of taste) – alasá-as

8. sweet basil (kind of aromatic plant) – kamagi, kamangi, humótan, kulugungkúgong. Syn.

     kugúngkugóng, sangíg

9. sweetbread (the pancreas) – lápay, páli

10. sweetbrier (kind of prickly rose) – kaingín

11. sweet corn (sugar corn) – tám-is nga maís

12. sweeten (to make sweet) – gipatám-is

13. sweetener (for making sweet) – pangtám-is. Syn. panglamî, panglamían

14. sweetening (act of making sweet) – gilamî, naglamî, nagpalamî, gitám-is, nagtám-is

15. sweetheart (lover) – hinigúgma, uyáb, tráto (Sp), nóbya/o (Sp.)Syn. minahál, pinanggà

16. sweethearts (the relationship of being lovers) – managhigúgma, managtráto, manag-úyab

17. sweetish (somewhat sweet) – tam-is-tám-is, tam-isónon

18. sweetmeat¹ (brown rice-cake made of glutinous rice with sugar and coco-milk) – bíko

19. sweetmeat² (made of ground rice made into rice-cake by steaming) – púto

20. sweetmeat³ (made of shredded coconut meat, bulí palm starch, and brown sugar) – kugáy

21. sweetmeat⁴ (made of sugar, young coconut meat and glutinous rice) – alúpi

22. sweetmeat⁵ (of cooked millet) – sagmáni

23. sweetmeat⁶ (of glutinous rice, brown color) – súman

24. sweetmeat⁷ (of glutinous rice, white color) – búdbod

25. sweetmeat⁸ (of ground banana) – dinumógan

26. sweetmeat⁹ (rice pudding, much sweeter and crustier than bíko) – malágkit

27. sweetmeat¹⁰ (coconut meat candy) – bukáyò, bukháyò

28. sweetmeat¹¹ (coconut taffy; brown sugar, rice, coconut milk, boiled until sticky) – kalamáy

29. sweetmeat¹² (confection; general term) – matám-is

30. sweetmeat¹³ (cooked flour, coconut meat and other ingredients and evaporated) – sakól

31. sweetmeat¹⁴ (fried dough; fritter) – marúya

32. sweetmeat¹⁵ (liquid tarao sweetmeat) – binígnit. Syn. timúrak

33. sweetmeat¹⁶ (made of cassava chips, sugar, flour, and flavorings) – bitsubítso

34. sweetmeat¹⁷ (made of fine corn grits boiled with coconut milk and sugar) – kulukálo

35. sweet music (melodious music) – manánoy,sunánoy

36. sweetness (the state of being sweet) – katám-is

37. sweet pea (green pea) – gisántes (Sp.)

38. sweet potato¹ (kind of rootcrop) – kabaóy, kamóte (Sp.)

39. sweet potato² (that has begun to rot) – bádyò

40. sweet potato-burger – agús-os

41. sweet potato salad (salad of sweet potato and swamp cabbage tops) – apáy

42. sweet potato souptahóy

43. sweet rush (lemon grass) – tangád, tanglád

44. sweet smell (fragrant; aroma) – humót, alímyon

45. sweet sop; sugar apple (kind of shrub) – átis

46. sweet tooth (fond of sweets and candies) – hinám-is, hinam-isón

47. sweet-sour taste – alasá-as, yám-is

48. sweettalk (flattery) – boláda (Sp.), ulog-úlog. Syn. subanáa

49. taste¹ (ascerbic) – ápla, áplod, apód

50. taste² (biting as liquor) – áras, ádas

51. taste³ (bitter) – paít

52. taste⁴ (flat taste) – táb-ang

53. taste⁵ (flavor) – lamî

54. taste⁶ (hot; piquant) – hálang, häng

55. taste⁷ (insipid; bland) – lás-ay

56. taste⁸ (oily taste) – ngílngig

57. taste⁹ (salty)-parát, asín, ásgad

58. taste¹⁰ (sour) – áslom

59. taste¹¹ (sourish as wine) – kísom

60. taste¹² (spicy) – alangá-ang

61. taste¹³ (sweet) – tám-is

62. taste¹⁴ (sweet-sour) –yám-is

63. taste¹⁵ (tang) – áras, ádas, háras

64. taste¹⁶ (tart taste) – apá

65. taste¹⁷ (tend to be flat) – lád-ang

66. taste¹⁸ (to test) – tiláw, dása

67. taste¹⁹ (vapid; insipid) –lád-ang, lápsaw

68. taste bud (part of tongue) – dilám-is, igtitiláw

69. taste-fatigue (dislike of food due to always eating same kind of food)-puól, súm-ol. Syn.

       purá, látò, tágbaw

70. tasteful¹ (has a trait to be pleasing) – lamión. Syn. piskayón

71. tasteful² (have good taste) – lamían

72. tasteless’ (flat taste) – táb-ang

73. tasteless² (no flavor) – waylamî, waláy lamî

74. tasteless³ (watery items) – lás-ay

75. taster (one who taste) – tigtiláw

76. taste, try the’ (experience the taste) – tagámtam

77. taste, try the² (of liquor) – tímtim, dímdim

78. taste, try the³ (tiny sample) – tiláw, dilám-is. Syn. hák-ab

79. taste, try the (to determine if edible) – tikím

80. taste, try the (to verify the taste) – ím-im

81. tasty (delicious) – lamî, lamían, dása

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