Bohol Tribune
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The Grim Reality of Philippine Elections: A Cycle of Corruption and Decay

In the face of the upcoming campaign for the mid-term elections, the mood is one of festive cheer and celebration on the ground. It is that time in the electoral process when politicians are expected to sing, dance and make a fool of themselves to entertain the public.  

The public in turn, are not thinking of Programs and Projects undertaken and / or completed.  The public is simply drooling with expectation at the cash and other goodies that will flow their way from the ill-gotten wealth of candidates as the price for their vote.  

It is not that the people are stupid, they are in fact smart. They know that it is the only time in three years when they can see their politicians and exact something from them no matter how little it is. And exact their pound of flesh they do, whether through favors, cash or empty promises. 

This is the vicious cycle that is contributing to the weakening of the Philippine Republic. Politicians who steal and the people extorting the money back through election related spending.  And in between elections, nothing is really accomplished. Projects are proposed and implemented with the sole end view of keeping the status quo in power, while rampant graft and corruption remains unabated. 

In the mean-time roads are defectively built, flood control is absent, food production is lacking, power is expensive, water is scarce, airports are jammed, ports are not enough and trains are …..(do we have trains?)

Most of all, we are sacrificing our future because nutrition and education are so bad, that we are turning out second rate citizens in terms of physical and mental capabilities. And a citizenry which is weak in mind and body, cannot be masters of their destiny, but merely slaves and pawns to corrupt local leaders, or foreign powers. 

In truth, the mood should be grim and grave, not festive nor celebratory. We celebrate not democracy in our elections, but the continuing and worsening enslavement of our people. 

This is true for the nation…as it is more true for Bohol.

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