Bohol Tribune


Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Ulalong 19, 2025

Manunúnod ug Kabilin

(Heir and Inheritance)


Sa walâ pa modangat ang mga Katsila dinhi sa atong kapupúd-an aduna na kitay atong

kaugalingon nga mga batasan nga gituman.

Sa dihang ang mga Katsilà na ang namunóan, ug labi na gayod ang mga Amerikano, ang

atong mga sulsog (tradition) ug pamatasan gipugos nga mausab aron mohaom sa mga pamatasan

sa mga langyaw.

Bisan pa og walâ masulat sa atong mga balaod nga gipatuman sa mga langyaw, aduna pay

daghan sa atong kaliwatan nga nagtamod sa batasan nga ang kamanghuran nga igsuon mao ang

makapanunód sa balay tungod kay ang kamanghuran man ang adunay kaakohan nga mobaton sa

tigulang nga ginikanan.

Kun ang tugasalig (authority) ug pagtahod (respect) ang pagahisgotan, kasagaran kanatò

nagasunod pa sa suhát (primogeniture) o ang kamagulangan ang mangulo sa banay.

Atong tukibon karon ang mga lugpong (terms) kabahin sa manununod ug kabilin. Atong

unahon ang Binisayâ ug atong isugisayod (define) sa Ininglis.

Mga Lugpong

1. bawían og katungod – (b.p. báwi; katungod). Disinherit; deprive of an inheritance. (Kp:

hikaw; hikáwan).

2. budáya – [BUDlo + dagAYA =BUDAYA]. Patrimony; the inherited culture, tradition,

practices, wealth, etc. (Kp: panulúndon).

3. búgtong manunúnod(b.p. búgtong; sunód). Sole heir; the only inheritor. Also, sadíli

4. búhà – 1. To spend unwisely; prodigal. 2. To waste one’s money, wealth or inheritance.

(Kp: úsik; abu-ábo).

5. buhís sa kabílin – (b.p. buhís; kabílin). Inheritance tax; estate tax.

6. bumabános-(b.p. banós). Heir, especially a presumptive heir; inheritor; descendant. (Kp:


7. bumabános nga kalíwat – Heir presumptive; an heir whose claim may become void if a

nearer relative will be born. Also, bumabános.

8. dagíyaw-To take away what he can, when someone die without an heir.

9. daláhig – To inherit the obligations and sins of the ancestors such as the “original sin”.

10. dátu putî – Crown prince; heir apparent of the dátu. Also, putingdátu.

11. dúlon – To be contiguous in land or inherit the land of others, especially adjacent land.

12. erensíya – (Sp: herencia). Heritage; inheritance. Also, kabílin.

13. hikawán – (b.p. híkaw). Abator; one who unlawfully seizes an inheritance. (Kp: íhig;


14. húgnit – Reversion of properties to the state if there are no legal heirs.

15. húl-os – 1. Legitimate heir or inheritor. (Kp: sumusunod; manunúnod). 2. Scion.

16. íhig – 1. To give unjustly a minor portion of the share, as inheritance. (Kp: páhat). 2. To

make unequal sharing, favoring others and prejudicing others. (Kp: píhig).

17. kabílin(b.p. bilin). Inheritance; patrimony; heritage; legacy. (Kp: budáya).

18. kamása – To take anything from the house of someone who died without heirs.

19. kapupúngtan – (b.p. púngot = shared from inheritance). The principle, the origin from

where something comes from. Also, prinsípyo.

20. katungód sa kamanghóran – Ultimogeniture; the right of the youngest to inherit.

21. katungód sa pangánay – Primogeniture; the right of eldest son to inherit. Also, suhát.

22. kaúban nga manunúnod – Coparcener;

one of two heirs inheriting an undivided estate.

23. líkom – 1. Usurp. (Kp: ilog). 2. To conceal the true state of inheritance to prejudice others.

24. líkwa sa kaliwátan – (b.p. likwa; liwát). Dynasty; a succession of power by inheritance.

25. liwát – Inherit the qualities of the parents; genetic transmission. (Kp: lumát).

26. liwatán(b.p. liwát). The parents from which an offspring will inherit its qualities.

27. liwát-pikaspíkas – To inherit the traits of both parents. It connotes more or less equal.

28. makapanunód – (b.p. sunód). Inherit; has the right to inherit.

29. manunúnod(b.p. sunód). Heir; inheritor; heritor. (Kp: bumabános).

30. nakapanunód – (b.p. sunód). Has inherited; has followed the footsteps of.

31. pagkamanunúnod – Heirship; the state of being an heir; the right to inheritance.

32. panulúndon(b.p. sulúndon). Inherited quality; hereditary. (Kp: liwát).

33. panundonón(b.p. sunód). Hereditary, that which is to be inherited. (Kp: panulúndon).

34. púngot – Share in common, as common inheritance to a property. (Kp: kadaghánan).

35. putingdátu – (b.p. puti; dátu). 1. The legitimate son of a dátu or chieftain and his legal

wife. Usually it refers to the heir apparent. (Kp: sandigsadátu). 2. Crown Prince; atheling;

dauphin. Also datu putî.

36. sadíli – Sole heir of the wealth of one’s parents, uncles, etc. Also, búgtong manunúnod.

37. sánit – To distribute the inheritance to the heirs in accordance to judicial judgment or

testament of the deceased; bequeath; bequest. (Kp: báhin; apód-apód).

38. sapól – To acquire or inherit wealth, riches or any benefit. (Kp: sunód).

39. sinunód – (b.p. sunód). Traditional; inherited, as custom or cultural practice.

40. sulúndon – (b.p. sunód). That which is to be followed or inherited. Also, sundonón.

41. sumát – The appearance of new characteristics due to inheritance, especially the

undesirable. Also, túghaw. (Kp: lumát; súgmat).

42. sumusúnod(b.p. sunód). Those who will inherit, as the next generation; descendant.

(Kp: manunúnod; kán-ak).

43. sunód – Inherit. (Kp: sapól).

44. tagsunód(b.p. sunód). Inheritor; a designated heir. (Kp: mamunúnod; húl-os).

45. tayéd – To cede to another one’s share of the inheritance, food, drink, etc. (Kp: hátag).

46. testaménto(Sp: testamento). 1. Testament. 2. A testament for inheritance. Also, bílin.

47. tungína – To deny something to, as  refusing to give inheritance or property. (Kp: híkaw).

48. wáhig – To divide, to partition as parents dividing their properties as inheritance to their

children. (Kp: báhin sa kabílin).

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