Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Recent events unfolding, reveal the true nature of our politics, far from ideal and the norms of decency.

Erstwhile allies can become enemies and the other way around. Yet, beyond all these, we admire leaders who make a “consistent” stand.

Principles in politics are often thrown out the window when it gets in the way of self-interest and preservation. Convenience and survival take precedence over honor and integrity.

The move to impeach the Vice President is a testament to this bitter reality. All the posturing and positioning reflect the mindsets of the kind of leaders we elect to lead us.

Ironically those who benefited the most from being close to the corridors of power, worming their way in, riding on the crest of her popularity were the first ones to jump from a sinking ship.

During the time of the VP’s father Pres. Digong, at the height of their popularity, local politicians made a beeline to take the spotlight, elbowing each other towards centerstage.

In Bohol many local leaders owed their political careers to Duterte’s magic, having gained favors from his administration to boost their popularity through projects and other perks.

But for the life of us, the scenario playing out now Is one from a classic Roman political tragedy, when Caesar felt the pain of death from his closest ally’s dagger..” Et tu Brute?” Translated locally, ” Is that you, my Kumare? “

A picture paints a thousand words but actions speak louder. Beyond the superficial friendship and glamor of being in the spotlight, we can smell hypocrisy in the air. In our Catholic tradition Godparenting is not to be taken lightly. It espouses strong values of family, friendship and trust.

Yet, we cannot expect good leadership qualities from those who are insincere and are fair-weather friends. In public service, when personal interest takes over the greater good , the people’s welfare is sacrificed.

“For the people”  is an often abused cliche, made to rationalize an opportunistic politician’s change of heart and allegiances.

In Bohol, the past two years saw a huge chunk of budget allocation that ran into the billions, funneled through our local representatives to fund their projects. Predictably we can surmise millions of compelling reasons that caused our leaders to switch loyalties.

During Pres. Pinoy’s time, the popular slogan was “walang kamag-anak, walang kaklase”. At the time of Pres Erap, “walang kaibigan, walang kumpare”  Today what appears apt is  “walang Kumare, walang Ninang”.

Yet no matter how we look at it, what happened is contrary to our sense of gratitude and delicadeza, values which we Filipinos uphold.

At a time of opportunism and self-preservation, we admire leaders who are true to themselves and the people they serve. We respect those who are unwavering in their commitnent and who show strength of character..

In the world of politics it is hard to find a loyal friend and even more difficult to keep one as circumstances could change unexpectedly.

Woe to the hypocrites and sycophants who exalted the VP to high heavens at her peak but ended up leaving when her world came crashing down.Their true colors have emerged for all to see. 

While we ponder the outcome of the impeachment and its impact on our political stability, let’s await the people’s verdict on judgment day and see how far this indignation can go on!

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