Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Treachery or betrayal goes back to biblical times when Judas sold Jesus to His enemies for thirty (30) pieces of silver. In today’s inflated valuation could it be worth a hundred fifty million pesos (P150 M)? 

All throughout history we hear classic stories of betrayal, one being famous Is Julius Caesar’s death in the hands of his close friend and ally Brutus, who stabbed him when he least expected. 

In Bohol, social media is abuzz with outrage over the actions of two lady solon “kumares” of VP Sara Duterte who signed off on her impeachment complaint. 

Ordinary people are disgusted because in our Catholic tradition, standing as godparents or sponsors to a child’s baptism involves close family ties and friendship that carries some serious responsibility not to be taken lightly. 

Delicadeza and loyalty are values we strongly uphold and cherish. Yet the events that unfolded show otherwise. 

What this drama highlights is the height of hypocrisy and treachery. Pretending to be close and loyal only to switch allegiances at the drop of a hat is frowned upon. 

What made matters worse is the public display of closeness giving everyone the impression that the relationship is beyond politics. 

But when the chips come falling down, the fragile facade shatters. Without batting an eyelash, “KUMARE” is thrown under the bus. 

This is the disgusting side of our politics where opportunism and self-preservation come before principles and integrity of character. Politicians are only loyal to their own interests. 

That said, we cannot expect them to be true to one another. At the end of the day the enemy of your enemy becomes your best friend.

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