Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

Myth vs. Fact

(Part 2)

This is the second part of our discussion of Myth vs. Fact. This refers to some issues released by patients contrary to the doctors declarations. 

  1.  Patient’s myth 4 . . .  I did not finish taking my antibiotic because I feel better after just few days of taking it

Fact: The duration of antibiotic should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Discontinuation of your antibiotic earlier than what is prescribed can cause the bacteria to mutate causing resulting to severe infection which eventually will need a higher class of antibiotic.

  1.  Patient’s myth 5. . . It is HERBAL, so it is safe

Fact: One of the many reasons we have more patients on dialysis is because of the use of HERBAL medications. Some HERBAL products did not go through a rigorous process unlike those medications prescribed by your doctors. In my practice, I have seen several patients suffering from liver damage because of over reliance to herbal products.

  1. Patient’s myth no 6: We have the same symptoms, so it is safe for me to take the medications prescribed for him.

Fact: The same symptom does not always mean you have the same disease. Like for example. A patient with abdominal pain because of trauma can take pain reliever NSAIDS like celecoxib. But a patient with abdominal pain because of gastric ulcer should never take NSAIDS like celecoxib. Taking celecoxib can worsen the severity of the ulcer.

  1.  Patient myth 7 . . . I stopped taking my maintenance meds for diabetes because my friends and neighbors told me it is bad for my kidney

Fact. Medications for diabetes are actually protecting your kidneys, and not the other way around. It prevents you from developing diabetic nephropathy which if not corrected will eventually lead to chronic kidney disease or CKD 5 that needs constant dialysis.

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