Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog

Otitis Externa

Let us revisit Otitis Externa and what this is all about. Ear pain due to otitis externa is common cause of clinic visits. This condition is precipitated by: trauma, allergy, removal of cerumen, maceration and, change from the normal acod to alkaline ph of the external auditory canal

These factors may disrupt the normal protective mechanisms of the ears and thus will cause bacterial colonization of the external ear.

The most common causative agent of otitis externa is Staphylococcus Aureus. Other gram negative organisms have also been implicated. Swimming, impacted cerumen, contact dermatitis  and chronic drainage from otits media may lead to otitis externa.

Clinically, otitis externa may manifests as:
– ear pain aggravated by movement of the tragus
– in chronic cases, there may be conductive hearing loss
– ear discharges (serous to seropurulent)
– periauricular edema
– and obliteration of the auditory canal

Once our children will have ear pain, it is a must that they should be seen by a physician for thorough examination and management to avoid serious complication which is hearing loss.

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