Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Hypocritical and ungrateful are words some politicians use to describe constituents who go against their will. Unfortunately some leaders think of themselves as masters not public servants.

With a mindset like royalty, it is easy for them to confuse public service with public servitude. Rather than be of service to the people it is the other way around.

So when our leaders feel entitled and privileged,  it is easy for them to blame the people for society’s ills and pass their  shortcomings to others.

In defense of their own weaknesses, they blame us for being ungrateful when in fact, they themselves are.

Hypocrisy is defined as “the practice of feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not. The word “hypocrisy” is synonymous to being pretentious. Thus, a hypocrite is one who pretends to be a friend but is not.

One who pretends is often the ungrateful one.Hence it is not right to lay the blame on your people for the consequences of your actions

The actions of our lady solons signing off on the Vice President’s impeachment complaint earned them the people’s ire. The backlash on social media was such, that trolls could not contain the comments by real people and keep them at bay

But what really caused the people”s anger? The act of betrayal and not simply the affixing of their signatures. Pretending to be a friend and feigning it, only to set it aside for one’s interest is the height of hypocrisy which we frown upon. People find it disdainful.

So to blame the people for being hypocrites and ungrateful is barking at the wrong tree. Politicians should be looking at themselves in the mirror.

When ” Kumares or Kumpares ” set aside friendship and loyalty in favor of convenience and comfort, it is disconcerting to see. We look at it as an aggravating circumstance that adds insult to injury.

Fidelity and truth must go hand in hand and loyal friends are true friends. But in the case of the signatories to the impeachment and the subject of the complaint who share a spiritual bond with one another, it calls for restraint and good judgment.

Boholanos are not hypocrites and ungrateful people. They are loyal and true. True descendants of Dagohoy who stand for what they believe,  proud of their legacy.

It is a great insult to Bohol and its people for political leaders to pass the blame on them for their weaknesses. It is an even greater insult to use the people for their selfish ends.

Boholanos are not hypocrites nor ungrateful.  They are loyal and true. If only our leaders are true to themselves and show empathy, people could be more forgiving. But with what is happening now, all we can say is ” KARMA is real” !

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