You cannot change the system from outside but within.
The movement to eradicate vote-buying and create awareness is very laudable. Hats off to the organizers and those behind it.
But this is a long shot not because it is not a worthy cause but because the evil practice we want to eradicate is deeply rooted and widespread. If deserving, qualified candidates adhere to not give something, they will lose to those not worthy of our mandate.
What we need to do instead is develop potential candidates with a heart and empathy for the people. We should focus on getting them elected and pray that they won’t be eaten up by politics and be steadfast in their vision.
Change comes from within and they should be able to get into the game to change things around. With a clear perspective and strong determination they can fight for change from the inside.
But the first order of the day is to get them elected, otherwise only the crooks and those who buy their way in without empathy will rule over us.
This is the bitter reality we face. No matter how loud we shout , our voices will be drowned by this sad fact.
But when we manage to get the right people with conscience elected, then they can work to change our mindsets. To destroy the enemy, sometimes you have to sleep with them. This is the stuff of espionage plots and twists but it works. Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.
It’s like planting undercover agents deep into criminal organizations to work for their downfall. It’s the only way to destroy their evil ways by working to eliminate it from the inside.
Not ideal but practical. Otherwise we will just be banging our heads against a brick wall. The more we develop a new breed of leaders with the right mindsets the more our chances of success.
The bitter pill? If you don’t give out something you won’t get elected. We will just be going around in circles and it will outlast us. Nothing can happen in our lifetime. Real change is hard to come by but we have to be creative to tackle the problems we face!