Balilihan Mayor Pureza Veloso-Chatto (extreme left) and Vice Mayor Trisha Chatto (extreme right) attended the February 27, 2025 joint meeting attended by: the Municipal Peace and Order Council (MPOC)/Municipal Anti-Drug Abuse Council (MADAC), National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC). Highlights of the Monthly Meeting were: Fire Drill for LGU; CCTV Monitor at Philippine National Police (PNP); Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC) to station in Balilihan; Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUDS) monitoring; Ambulance Dispatch protocol; African Swine Fever (ASF) checkpoint. Mayor Chatto said: “I would like to recognize the improved manner of presenting the reports/updates of all the different sectors using visual presentations to include the Philippine Army.” Contributed photo

Balilihan Mayor Pureza Veloso-Chatto (in photo), February 26, 2025. Atong dasigon ang atong mga barangay health workers (BHW) sa ilang pagpanerbisyo sa barangay isip mga frontliners sa pag atiman sa maayong panglawas sa katawhan sa tagsa tagsa nila ka barangay. Ang BHW Orientation or reorientation and seminar maga hipno sa ilang kaantigo og kaalam sa ilang tahas sa Health service delivery sa lungsod. Salamat sa taga PHO headed by Ms Temia Lison, BHW Provincial Coordinator sa dakung tabang og suporta para sa kalampusan sa maong seminar! Contributed photo