While there are good and bad times, we must always learn to keep our cool and grace under pressure. The sad turn of events these past few days amid rumors and conflicting news that led to the eventual arrest of PRRD on the basis of a warrant Issued by the ICC and requested by INTERPOL that had the man flown away on a chartered jet off to the HAGUE in the Netherlands, has the nation on edge.
People’s emotions are running high as supporters and critics alike are on an adrenaline rush. The drama that ensued at his arrest is a scene typical of our chaotic politics.
Yet politics aside, let us digress the issue and events that led to this unfortunate event.
What started it all, was the former President’s war on drugs and crime even way back when he was still Davao City Mayor, that resulted to allegations of abuse and extrajudicial killings. While the intentions were noble, it is a classic case of “does the end justify the means? “.
We all wanted to rid society of the evils of illegal drugs but we have to remind ourselves that we must always be a government of laws otherwise we will be plunged into chaos. This is what opportunistic groups with ulterior motives want to happen.
It did not help that the former President was feisty and minced no words in publicly condemning the ICC and brazenly speaking out about his role in the drug wars during the congressional hearings. To the thousands of our countrymen who idolized him to a cult-like fanaticism, it sat well but to the rest of the international community such public outburst bear an affront to the rule of law and decorum.
Dealing with the ICC and the INTERPOL is not a simple matter of stepping on our sovereignty or acceding to a foreign power as explained by legal luminaries and experts. We are tied, linked to a global community bound by laws, parties to international treaties and agreements.
As we live in a community of nations we cannot be a pariah nor can afford to be one in isolation.
Yet in fairness, despite all the drama, PRRD was served the warrant with the dignity befitting a beloved, former head of state. He was not handcuffed and we even saw pictures of policewomen in uniform who appear to wipe tears off their faces.
PRRD may have seen this coming and being a former State Prosecutor he knows the law to a tee.. This could explain his calm demeanor and composure when served the warrant for his arrest.
At the ICC away from our partisan politics he could well defend himself and clear his name and still go down in history as a great leader who stood for his country for the greater good.
While the whole nation is polarized with people’s sentiments divided, we cannot risk the chance of a national meltdown. In these trying times we must exercise the utmost restraint and not succumb to our emotions.
Our country is besieged by a lot of problems that won’t just go away without our concerted effort. We must stand united to face them to move forward.
What happened was unfortunate but we cannot let it dictate the course of our future. We must think long and hard before we get carrIed away and act irrationally.
There is more to our country than either BBM or Duterte. There is more to our country than all those big names of political personalities we idolize that divide us. Our future and that of our succeeding generations are at stake.
Hence we must tread carefully and act discerningly.