By: Ardy Araneta Batoy
This edition of VOX POPULI is featuring the netizens’ reactions, responses and comments to the statement posted on the FB page of the Managing Editor of The Bohol Tribune.
The statement (related to African Swine Fever [ASF] in Bohol) was this: Unsaon man nato pagkahibalo nga kanang mga humba ug adobong baboy sa mga kan-anan sama sa restaurant ug carenderia, wala nay ASF?” (How would we know that the“humba”and “adobong baboy”in eateries like restaurants and carenderias are free of ASF?”
The responses, comments and reactions posted by the netizens were:
∙ from Celsa Ciudadano: Bitaw
∙ from Sweetty Maal Filbungz Montesco: Mao nay Dako kaung? MA’AM
∙ from Gervasio Lopena: Pangutan-a ang doctor sa mga mananap.
∙ from Mar Roxas: Tsk tsk mura man board question sa mga vet maam ardz .
∙ from Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy to Mar Roxas: Dili oi. . . .Question sa mga meat vendors. Hehehe
∙ from Mar Roxas to Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy: Hehe mura daghan moundang meat vendors maam ug question questionon sila .
∙ from Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy to Mar Roxas: Moundang pud ko ug palit-palit
∙ from Crisaldo Felisilda Estoque Jr.: Sa presyo
∙ from Desè Ang: Nindot kaajo nga pangutana ni Maam Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy interesting kaayo ko basin naay Vet nga friend nimo Maam nga makatubag kay manundog pud akong pamilya pag usisa sa meet
∙ from Angelo Balili: Ahh kana nuong estoryaha , dili gyud mo kasiguro . Kabaw na lang
∙ from Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy to Angelo Balili: Hahaha
∙ from Jennifer Chavez-Marcos: Ug di ka maunsa usa ka semana gikan sa pagkaon mam.
∙ from Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy to Jennifer Chavez-Marcos: Hahahaha
∙ from Amelia Lim to Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy: Ug way lami ang humba or adobo gi ASF ang baboy
∙ from Don Racho: Mao jud nay dakung pangutana ma’am! Omg!
∙ from Benjie Magudato Audiencia: Mai pa adobo nga manok bisaya maam hehehhe
∙ from Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy to Benjie Magudato Audiencia: Hahaha korek
∙ from Melanin Malicse Micutuan: Basin pwede mag Free taste muna Mam Ardy
∙ from Nita Pamil Bernido: Di malikayan. Naa jud na…
∙ from Nita Pamil Bernido: The best is to avoid eating YOBAB…
∙ from Noel Suacillo: Sa akong nahibaloan ma’am, walay problema para sa tawo kung mu kaun sa karne nga baboy bisag positive pa cya sa asf ok Ra kaunun d ta ma unsa peru kung HB ka likay JD sa karne.
∙ from Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy to Noel Suacillo: Korekkkk
Aside from netizens giving their comments, the following also expressed their reaction of “LIKE” to the statement:
Pilar Tero, Banjo Teodoro Batoy, Putche Cabilogan Pelaez, Gablines Bheajhen, Mi Amore, Mindap Araneta, Rita Mejias, Thess Lokie, Frederico Banluta Ticong, Melanin Malicse Micutuan, Onard Torralba, Don Racho, Marcial Balatero Mission, Joseph Castillo, Napoleon Jr. Boyles De la Torre, Ellen Simbajon, Merle’s Vine’s Invento, Marcelo S. Adiong Jr., Jereme Espejo, Ted Lagang, Ma Consuelo Loquellano Clarete, Ted Lim, Susan Apale Baraocor, Kukabildo Sa Kahanginan, Bubuy Dalagan, Bernard Alturas, Gervasio Lopena, Sweetty Maal Filbungz Montesco, Rain FostanesCalimbayan, Rene Espinosa, Mayette Signe Axmann, Philip Bulilan, Arlene Karaan