Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



Woe to our politicians who are bickering no end. The more they talk and open their mouths, the more our people are deprived of the services due us.

Woe to the high and mighty of our land, we are dragged into their squabbles and forced to make a stand. Ugly as it is, our politics is dividing our land.

What man hath put together man has conveniently set asunder. What started out as a dream unity team remained just that, a broken dream.

Whether red or blue taking sides would do our country no good. We are only sucked deeper into a bottomless pit of our heightened emotions.
Our feelings may find us supporting one or the other, but reason and logic need us to be open and objective. These are difficult and trying times for a nation already on edge.

Tension and tempers have flared and fanning the flames of anger is courting trouble. What our country needs is to set our politics aside and work harder for what our people truly deserve.

To love our country we must go beyond ourselves. We may question our institutions but we need them to work, too.

Without them our nation will be plunged into anarchy and chaos. Far greater than us are the dreams and aspirations of those who will outlive us.

If we continue to bicker and fight one another, our children may not have a bright future to live.

Sadly we are becoming our own worst enemies.  Yet, what we truly need, is to rein in our horses and look at the greater good.

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