SHARPENING LEADERSHIP SKILLS. Members of teamINABANGA led by Mayor Roygie Jumamoy (photo 1) are shown attending the Feb. 17, 2021 Municipal Leadership and Governance Program (MLGP) Module 1 First Monitoring Visit via videoconferencing at the municipality’s huddle room. Also present during the event are key medical employees (photo 2) composed of Municipal Health Officer (MHO) Dr. Edar Rospan R. Ajo, Nurse IV Ma. Rolinda Melecio, Department of Health-7 Development Management Officer Simplicio E. Torreon and Nurse Deployment Project Marian Lofranco. Spearheading the event is the Silliman University (SU) Monitoring Team of Dr. Michelle Naranjo and DOH-7 Keth Simon Loma (photo 3). teamINABANGA (photo 4) which completes the MLGP Module 1 is one of only select municipalities undergoing the leadership course formed by Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) and implemented by SU in collaboration with the DOH. It aims to enhance leadership and governance capabilities of Local Chief Executives and MHO’s. (Inabanga Communications and News Service / ICoNS)