ni: Jes B. Tirol
Himabúyan 16, 2021
Mga Ngalan sa Kinhason
Bahin 1
(Part 1)
Ang Sinugboanong Binisayâ adunay daghang mga lugpong kabahin sa mga kinhason. Daghan na ako og natálà apan nasayod ako nga daghan pa usab ang walâ pa nákò mahibalo-i.
Kutob sa mahimo atong ihatag ang tumbas nga ngalan sa Ininglis ug ang ilang alamdagón nga ngalan (scientific name). Tungod sa kadaghan sa mga ngalan atòng bahinon ang atong taláan.
Mga Ngalan
1. abasán — A kind of shellfish or seashell.
2. agihis – A kind of very small bi-valve seashell about 3 mm long.
3. amumúngpong – A kind of edible shellfish that is conical in shape. It lives in colonies.
4. anibongán – A kind of shellfish.
5. aninikád – Pyrula; a kind of shellfish. It got its name from its kicking-like motion when moving forward. Also, sikádsikád.
6. antuláng – Giant clam; very large bivalve seashell. sc.n. tridacna sp., tindacna gigas. (Kp: taklúbo).
7. babulongán – A kind of shellfish.
8. bakalán – A kind of edible shellfish.
9. bakán – A kind of edible shellfish.
10. bagóng – A kind of shellfish.
11. bagungón – Telescope shell. Kind of shellfish found in mangrove areas.
12. balatawák – A kind of shellfish.
13. balat-úwak – A kind of shellfish.
14. baliád – A kind of shellfish.
15. balisahâ– A kind of shellfish.
16. banawóg – A shellfish with two shells as big as coconut shells.
17. bantulî – A large shellfish whose conch shell can be used as blow-horn. (Kp: budjóng). 18. batúnan – A white shellfish, which bred under the sand.
19. bayuyán – A kind of shellfish.
20. bilawg – A bivalve shellfish bigger than a mussel.
21. buká2 – A kind of shellfish.
22. bug-atan – Venus clam. A kind of shellfish.
23. bunkalís – A small shellfish with its mouth as long as the body.
24. bungkawíl – Dog conch. It is similar to the pyrula or aninikád but has a wider opening.
25. butbutngagabán – A kind of poisonous shellfish.
26. buwa-buwâ – A kind of shellfish.
27. kahintóng – A kind of shellfish.
28. kampikampi – A kind of shellfish.
29. kamwá – Kind of harp shellfish.
30. kandiis – A kind of shellfish; lettered venus clam..
31. kan huwa – A kind of shellfish.
32. kapínan – Abalone, a kind of shellfish. Genus: haliotis.
33. kapis – A shellfish whose shell can be flaked and used as windowpane because it is translucent. Also, lampírong.
34. kaykay – Kind of shellfish. It is a thin bi-valve with oval shape and whitish-brown in color Also, kalaykay (Kp: punaw; tagitít).
35. kibit – A kind of shellfish.
36. kibol – A kind of shellfish; textile cone shell; volute shell.
37. kibot – A kind of seashell living under the sea.
38. kinhasón – The general term for seashell or shellfish, especially those found at the shorelines.
39. kudlungón – A kind of shellfish or crab that is poisonous.
40. kudúskudós – A kind of shellfish that look like a cross or rather a sea rose.
41. kújà – A kind of shellfish. It is a relatively large bi-valve and found in deep seawater attached to rocks. The meat is reddish at the edges. It is considered as a delicacy in Bohol. Also, kúyà.
42. kunós – A kind of shellfish.
43. kúyà – A kind of large shellfish. It is a bivalve found in deep seawater attached to rocks. The meat is reddish at the edges. Also, kújà.
44. dalin-ásan – A kind of shellfish.
45. dalúdaló – Whelk, mud whelk. A kind of shellfish.
46. dapáwdapáw – A kind of shellfish. It is regularly white and of elegant figure.
47. dáphag – A kind of shellfish. Also, dapág.
48. dawdaw – A kind of shellfish. Also, dalúdaló.
49. gaang-gaang – A kind of shellfish.
50. gángan – A kind of shellfish.
51. gubaguba – A kind of seashell with edible meat. 52. gutíba – A kind of seashell.