Tubigon mayor William Jao (inset, upper right corner) announced on May 10, 2023 that the PhilHealth Regular Service Desk Is back to effectively and efficiently address PhilHealth the concerns of Tubignons. The resumption of the PhilHealth monthly visit after a 3-year hiatus is a welcome move. The resumption, which started on 

April 26, 2023, means that every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, PhilHealth personnel will be at the Tubigon Municipal Hall Lobby from 9a.m. to 12nn to assist and address PhilHealth concerns. Services like members updating, amendments, registration, claim and benefits inquiries and viewing of premium contribution will be rendered. Even if payment/contribution 

collection will not be done during their visit. hese friendly personnel 

are more than willing to assist concerned Tubignons on how to process online payments. Contributed photo