Key persons recently met for discussions on introducing the Tubigon island communities. They are (from l-r): Joe Snape of UK law firm Leigh Day, Vigie Benosa of Greenpeace Philippines, Alice Grist also of Leigh Day, Climate Change Committee chair Cong. Edgar Chatto, Climate Change
Committee vice chair Cong. Anna Veloso Tuazon, committee secretary Rommel Reyes, and chief of staff Atty. Jessica Gambol Schuck. Leigh Day is currently in the country to convene with communities, Civil Society Organizations and government officials for conversations on climate justice. Contributed photo

Cong. Edgar Chatto (right) obliges to this photo opportunity with Anna Wellenstein (left), Sustainable Development Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific of World Bank during the e-title distribution to beneficiaries of the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) Project of the World Bank and the Department of Agrarian Reform. The project development objective is to improve land tenure security and stabilize property rights of agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs). Contributed photo