Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Bagyubagyo 6, 2024

Mga Pulong Sinugboanon sa Huni

(Sugboanon Words for Music)

Ika-2 Bahin (Part 2)


Ang Sinugboanon nga Binisayâ aduna nay daghang mga pulong alang sa huni ug awit. Atong ipadayon ang pagtálà sa uban pang mga pulong.

Mga Pulong

81. falsetto (high but less colorful voice) – tágning, talíis

82. fanfare (flourish; showy musical passage) – tingkúlay 

83. fiddle (violin-like musical instrument) – dabíl, litgít. Syn. gitgít

84. field music (martial music) – kandó

85. fingering (playing the keyboard) – tapóy 

86. finger tapping (tap the fingers to follow the beat of the music) – takadóng

87. flat note (below the true pitch) – bímol (Sp.) 

88. flourish (fanfare; showy musical passage) – tingkúlay

89. flute hole (holes of wind instruments) – lihót

90. flute’ (high pitch bamboo flute) – tipáno

91. flute² (musical instrument) – lántoy, tarambóan, plahúta (Sp)

92. flute³ (nose-flute) – lantón

93. flute (reed flute) – tulalî

94.folk musichúning balangáyon, húning karáan. Syn. kundíman

95. folk singerbanikánhong mag-aawit

96. folk song (a song originating among the people) – áwit-banikánhon

97. fret (play the fret of guitar) – tapóy

98. frets of guitar (a series of metal ridges at head of a guitar) – bidyá, trátse (Sp.). Syn.


99. full (as full voice) – tibuók

100. full note (whole note) – tibuók nga nóta

101. glee club (singers organized to sing songs and chorals) – mangayáong sangkáyan 

102. glockenspiel (a portable musical instrument consisting of a series of tuned metal bars

made to sound by striking with a stick-hammer) – kulíntang-tumbák, Syn. kulíntang

103. grave (slow and solemn music) – tabuwaló

104. guitar¹ (five strings) – kitára. Syn. subíng 

105. guitar ² (four to five strings) – kurlón

106. guitar³ (one to two strings) – kurlonsíto

107. guitar (six strings) – sísta

108. guitar head (where the strings are adjusted) – panganáway 

109. guitarist (one who plays the guitar) – gitarísta (Sp.)

110. half-note (one-half of a full note) – katungâ sa nóta

111. harmonic (pertaining to harmony in vibration) – maálas

112. harmonica (kind of musical instrument) – silíndron (Sp.)

113. harmonious’ (agreeable combination of sounds) – mabagáyon

114. harmonious (manifesting agreement and concord) – madaíton 

115. harmonium (type of small reed organ) – armonyón (Sp.). Syn. organó (Sp.)

116. harmonize’ (adjust to fit) – bágay, bagáya, gibágay 

117. harmonize (as in a choir) – bángdal

118. harmonize (for musical instruments) – álas

119. harmony (smooth) – kahúsay

120. harp (stringed musical instrument) – álpa (Sp.) 

121. head voice (falsetto) – tágning, talíis

122. hearing distance (distance where a voice can still be heard) – alyáw. Syn. madungóg , tágning

123. high-pitched’ (shrill, as voice) – lagtíng, talíis

124. high-pitched² (small shrill voice) – tágming

125. hoarse’ (as voice of a person with a cold) – pagáw, paás, paós, lághaw 

126. hoarse² (croaking voice) – baság, baság og tíngog

127. hymn’ (holy song) – dihál, balawit, hímno (Sp) 

128. hymn² (to praise or worship with hymns) – gúya

129. interpretation’ (musical rendition of) – bángdal 

130. intone (utter or recite in a musical monotone) – dúndon. Syn. láylay, lúray

131. jangle (to make harsh, umusical sound) – alingisig

132.jazz (extemporaneous music but at times arranged) – sampungát, sampungát nga húni,bibéso (Sp.). Syn. báag

133 . jew’s harp (kind of musical instrument) – subíng. Syn. kudyapî 

134. keyboard (row of keys in piano, etc.) – tíkla (Sp.), tékla (Sp.), tuplokánan

135. keynote (key tone) – lintungánayng tíngog

136. la (the sixth note of the musical scale) – la (Sp.) 

137. larynx (the voice box; an organ of the respiratory tract) – hagóng, ugungán

138. leaf music maker (leaf placed on the lips and made to produce music by blowing or

sucking air) – aliyáwyaw 

139. lentissimo (very slow in music) – hínay kaáyo, lúya kaáyo

140 .lilt (pleasant rising and falling of voice) – lúray

141. lip sing (imitation singing, the actual voice comes from another) – uluáwit 

142. longhair (pertaining to serious music) – tútom

143. loss of voice (aphonia) – páos 

144. lullaby (craddle song) – láylay, ganánoy, uyayî. Syn. huló, úgoy 

145. lute (musical instrument) – buktót, laód (Sp.)

146. lyre (musical instrument) – lira (Sp.) 

147. mandolin (musical instrument) – bandolin (Sp.). Syn. bandórya (Sp.)

148. maraca (percussion instrument made of coconut shell with beads inside to make a sound

if shaken) – marákas (Eng.)

149. martial music (war or field music) – kandó

150. medley (parts of different musical airs arranged to become continuous) – báag, Syn. táblat

151. mellow (soft as voice) – huyô. Syn. lúmo

152. melodious (as music; sweet music) – manánoy, sunánoy 

153. melody (pleasing sound) – nánoy. Syn. húni, sunánoy

154. mi (the 3rd note of the musical scale) – mi (Sp.)

155. minor (as musical key or chord) – minór (Sp.)

156. minstrel (wandering musician) – trobadór (Sp.), bakáyaw nga maghuhúni

157. mosso (rapid in music) – páspas, áskil

158. mouthpiece (of musical instrument) – huypanan, huyopánan, tayhopánan, tandílà,

bokilya (Sp.). Syn. pangbábá

159. music (arrangement of sounds) – húni, musiká (Sp.), sonáta (Sp.)

160. musical (pertaining to music) – mahuníhon

161. musical arrangement (a particular arrangement of musical sounds) –hán-ay sa húni

162. musical engagement (musical appearance) – asistensíya (Sp.). Syn. dúyog, pasundáyag

163. musical ensemble (of stringed instruments) – kompársa (Sp.), rondálya (Sp.)

164. musicale (private recital) – sagúbin nga talíndaw

165. musician¹ (musical instrument player) – magtutugtog, tigtugtog sa húni, musikéro (Sp.)

166. musician² (professional performer or composer of music) – maghuhuní, musikéro (Sp.)

167. noel (Christmas carol) – dáygon, áwit sa pásko, paskohánong ȧwit

168. note (musical symbol) – nóta (Sp.)

169. octave (the eight tone in a musical scale) – ika-walóng tunóg, oktábo (Sp.)

170. offbeat (a secondary or weak beat in music) – kontra-kompas (Sp.)

171. opera (a musical drama) – opera (Sp.). Syn. báktan

172. opera (a musical drama) – opera (Sp.). Syn. báktan

173. operetta (light opera) – sarsuwéla (Sp.). Syn. linámbay

174. opus (literary or musical composition) – tángan

175. orchestra (group of musicians playing together) – orkésta (Sp.), púndok sa magtutúgtog

176. organ (musical instrument) – organó (Sp.)

177. orotund (full, resonant voice) – kalabukábon. Syn. ganób, hulubáhob

178. paid to sing (as entertainer) – bakáyaw

179. passage (part of a musical composition designed to display the performer’s skill) – piyaós, pasáhe (Sp.)

180. philharmonic (fond of music) – ámpay ang húni

181. phone (sound; voice) – tingog

182. piano (kind of musical instrument) – piyáno (Sp)

183. piece (as musical piece) – piyésa (Sp.)

184. pipe organ (musical instrument) – agímod

185. pitch (tune level) – tagaming, panúni. Syn. tunóg

186. play by ear (to play music through hearing and not by written notes) – wido (Sp.)

187. play ¹ (make music from the Bisayan bell kulintang) – bágtol

188. play² (produce music from instrument) – túgtog, tokár (Sp.)

189. plectrum (either-pen; for plucking guitar strings) – únyas (Sp.), pangáskas

190. poignant sailor’s songsalúma

191. poignant song (it is accompanied by slow dancing) – tirána

192. pop (popular as music) – bánsag nga húni. Syn. kináham

193. pop music (popular music) – bánsag nga húni, bánsag nga musika

194. postlude (concluding music) – panapós nga húni