Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Bagyubagyo 13, 2024

Mga Pulong Sinugboanon sa Huni

(Sugboanon Words for Music)

Ika-3 Bahin (Part 3). Kataposan (Last)


Sa tuig 1886, ang turayóg o kampanaryo (Sp: campanario) sa simbahan sa Tagbilaran nagkagay-ot na. Si Pari Jose Sanchez, ang hawod nga magtutukód og simbahan, nisugyot nga magbuhat na og bag-ong turayóg nga binuhat sa bató.

Sa bulan sa Hidapdapón (July) 1888, nahuman ang unang lungtód o andana (Sp: andana).Gipadayon ang buhat hangtod sa tuig 1891 ug nahuman ang ika-4 nga lungtód nga bató. Natapos ang kahabogón ug gipadayon ang pagháklap sa turayóg ginamit ang mabagâ nga sin (galvanizediron) hilabi na sa atop.

Nahuman ang turayóg o kampanaryo nga bató sa pagsugod sa tuig 1891. Gitakda ang pagsubó o paglihi sa turayog sa Simbahan ni San Jose sa Tagbilaran sa ika-30 sa Kiling (April) sa 1891.

Ang Paglihí

Ang pagsubó o paglihí sa turayóg gihimo nga hilabihan kadakó nga hitabò sa lalawigan sa Bohol. Si Pari Jose Maria Cabañas, ang kura paroko sa Baclayon mao ang nag-Misa. Kaluhan ug duha (22) ka mga pari nga Recoleto ang mga dinapit nga mitambong.

Ang maninoy ug maninay sa paujong mao si Gobernador sa Bohol, Don Adolfo Martin de Baños ug ang iyang hamiling asawa nga si Doña Pilar Ferrer. 

Ang mga pundok sa magtutugtog (orchestra) sa Loboc, Bilar, ug Dimiao, gipangdapit aron motugtog ug modalit sa mga huni. Ang tigkinakil (orchestra conductor) sa unang adlaw mao si Maestro Rossi ug sa ika-2 nga adlaw mao si Maestro Calahorra. 

Sa panahon sa gabi-i, nagbanos-banos ra sila pagkinakil ug pagtugtog ang mga orkesta sa

Loboc, Bilar, ug Dimiao. 

Busâ angayan gayod kita magtukib sa musika aron kita masayod unsa diay ka habog ang kaalam sa panghuni ang atong mga kagikan. [Ayáp (Reference): Cosas Notables De Tagbilaran,Bohol, Archivo Provincial De Marcilla, Carpeta 83, Legajo 1, No.5. (Courtesy of Prof. Luis Romanillos, U.P.). [Pahimangno: Ang Maestro de Obra (foreman) mao si Claudio Gallares, ang amahan ni Kanhi Gobernador Celestino Gallares. Siya ang unang Gallares nga midangat dinhi sa Tagbilaran.-JBT].

Mga Pulong

195. potpourri (medley of musical airs) – báag 

196. precentor (leads the choir singing in church) – tigkinákil

197. prelude (introductory music) – pasiunáng húni, pasakálye (Sp.) 

198 psalm (sacred song)- balaánong awit, sálmo (Sp). Syn, dihál 

199 quarter note (one fourth time value of a whole note) – sikápat nga nóta (Sp.) 

200. quartet (four persons singing) – upáwit 

201.quaver (trills; tremble of voice)- lidúglidóg. Syn. piydos

202. quintet (a group of five to sing or play music)- limáwit

203. raise the voice (to be heard or understood)- tamá. Syn. sínggit 

204. raucous (boisterous; unruly) – salibádyaw,síbaw,síkaw

205.raucous (hoarse, rough sound) – lághaw

206. re (the second note of the musical scale) – re (Sp.)

207. recital (solo musical performance) – talíndaw

208. recorder (kind of flute blown from the rear end) – tarambóan, tingáb. Syn. lantóy

209.reed (mouthpiece of a wind musical instrument) – dilàdilà, tandílà

210.reed-flute (a wind musical instrument) – tulalî

211.reed organ (harmonium; musical instrument) – armonyón (Sp.)

212. refrain (musical refrain) – palubád

213. rendition (artistic, musical interpretation, etc.) – pasundáyag

214.requiem (musical hymn for the dead) – dihál sa minatáy

215.resonance (reinforcement of sound or vibration) – anigál. Syn. angingál, kánay, alingáwngaw

216. resonant (sending back a prolonging sound) – anigálon, kalabukábon. Syn. tunóg

217.reveille (musical band marching around town to awaken the people before a celebration) – diyána (Sp.)

218. rotund (full-toned, as voice) – gáhob

219. rounded and disagreeable voice (loud and out of tune) – piláas

220. rowing song (sing for unison in rowing) – hulô, hilimbangánon

221.saxophone (kind of musical instrument) – saksopón (Eng.)

222.scat (to create nonsense syllables with a music) – laryáng-laryáng

223. scherzo (playful musical movement in a sonata) – ginuwátsi/ pasiáw nga túgtog

224. score (written music) – sinulát nga húni

225. serenade¹ (formal singing) – anúng-anóng, harána, kansiyón (Sp.). Syn. kandó

226. serenade² (mock serenade; charivari) – harána pasiáw

227.sextet (musical composition for six performers) – unomáwit, unumáwit

228.shout (strong loud voice) – sínggit, siyágit, ínsay, úgyap. Syn. sángpit, tawȧg

229.shrill (high pitch sound) – tágming, tágning, talíis, lagting

230. sing (to produce word sounds into music) – áwit, moáwit, báktan, kanta (Sp.)

231.sing the words instead of talking (as in opera) – báktan

232.skiffle (make music from make-do instruments)-ságay. Syn. kumbansíro

233. slur (as in music) – suyásoy

234. soft music (mild music) – Lúlot nga búni

235.sol (fifth note of the musical scale) – sol (Sp.)

236.solfeggio (voice exercise) – solpéyo (Sp.)

237.solo (sing alone; vocal solo) – usáwit. Syn. sólo, binugtong

238.sonance (sound, as music) – húni. Syn. sunánoy

239.sonata (musical composition) – sonáta (Sp.) (musical composition) – áwit, kánta (Sp.) and dance (singing while dancing) – salímog, sáyaw ug áwit. Syn. balitaw

242.songbird (female singer)- babáyeng mag-aawít

243.sonorous (loud and full sounding) – sagnáy

244.soprano (type of high voice) – dasíg, típle (Sp.)

245. sordine (a mute for a musical instrument) – pangpahílom

246. sound (voice) – tingog

247.soundboard (sounding board of guitars, pianos, etc.) – gahobán

248.staccato (music characterized by abrupt silence) – bugtò-búgtò nga tunóg

249. stave (musical staff)- larayán, larayán sa húni

250.stentor (uncommonly strong, loud voice) – kalabukábon. Syn. ganób

251.strain (musical passage) – piyaós

252.stringed instrument (musical instrument that utilizes strings) – tulúnggon-kinuldásan

253.strum (as play a guitar) – káskas. Syn. kúskos

254.sweet music (melodious music) – manánoy, sunánoy

255.symphony (choir; chorus) – sambagay

256.tempo (relative speed in which a music is rendered) – galuganding

257. tenor (type of voice) – bagti, bágtò, tenór (Sp.)

258. timber of voice (quality of voice) – paníngog

259.tone (tune) – gúyo, tunóg

260. tone-deaf (unable to perceive pitch distinction) – tílob

261.tough voice (stern voice) – pusudpúsod, tigás

262.trill’ (sing in a tremulous tone)-loy

263. trill² (warbling of voice) – lidúglidóg; lirúgliróg. Syn. piyaós, uguy-úgoy

264.trio (three singers) – tuláwit

265. trombone (kind of musical instrument) – trombón (So.)

266. troubadour (minstrel) – bakáyaw nga maghuhúni

267.trumpet’ (bamboo trumpet of loud sound) – tambúli.

268. trumpet² (kind of wind musical instrument) – budyóng, búgjong, súpot, trumpéta (Sp.), tulúnggon, turútot

269.tuba (a brass musical instrument of lowest pitch) – pumpurúmpom

270.tune¹ (adjust to a standard pitch) – ángay

271.tune² (key tune; pitch) – tagamíng

272. tune³ (martial music) – kandó

273. tune (melody) – panúni, tóno (Sp.), sunánoy

274. tunes (music) – húni, tonáda (Sp.). Syn. nánoy

275.tune (out of tune) – yabág. lambí-aw, lásag, lisag, piláas, saadáng, sabláw, sintonádo (Sp.), tulibágbag

276. tune’ (sharp tune in music) – sostenído (Sp.) (to harmonize) – bágay

278. tune’ (tone) – gúyo, panúni, tunóg, tóno (Sp.)

279.tuneful (melodious; musical) – mahuníhon

280.tuner (tunes musical instruments)- tag-ángay

281.tune-up (adjust to a proper operating condition)- ángay, bágay, hunos-húnos

282. una voce (unanimous; with one voice) – úyon tanán, usa ray tingog

283.uneuphoneous (sound or music that does not fit the situation) –salikwaót

284. ventage (a finger-hole in musical wind instruments)- lungág tapyanán

285. vigoroso (energetic, as music) – lágsik

286. viola (a musical instrument similar to the violin but a little larger) – biyola (Sp.)

287. violin (fiddle; a stringed musical instrument) – gitgít, biyolín (Sp.). Syn. lítgit, dabíl

288. vivace (lively music) – sádyà, bíbo (Sp.). Syn. bagsík

289. vocal (pertaining to voice) – tíngog, paníngog

290. vocalize (to form into voice)-patíngog

291. voice box (the larynx) – hagóng, ugungán

292. voice overtone (vibrating voice) – lidúglidóg

293. voice part (in musical dramas, that which is intended to be sung) – awitónon, kínahanglan awíton

294. voice part (in musical dramas, that which is intended to be sung) – awitónon, kínahanglan awíton

295.voice¹ (high pitch voice) – tágning

296. voice² (sound) – tíngog

297. voiced (express by voice) – gitingog. Syn. litók, gilitók, gibungát

298.voiceful (vocal; vocal quality) – paníngog

299.voiceless’ (having no voice) – waytíngog

300. voiceless² (silent; surd) – hílom

301.voiceprint (a record made in soundtracks) – lílok sa paníngog

302.volante (music that is swift and light) – hagaán nga tunóg

303. waltz (kind of music and dance) – bálse, bársi

304.warble (as when singing) – uguy-úgoy. Syn. lidúglidóg, lirúgliróg, piyaós

305.whole note (a note having a time value equal to half a breve) – tibuók nga nóta

306.wind instrument (musical instrument utilizing blown wind) – tulúnggon

307.xylophone (kind of musical instruments made of graduated wood or gongs) – kulíntang

308. yodel (melody sung in meaningless falsetto tone) – piyaós. Syn. lidúglidóg, uguy-úgoy