Kangurulsol 20, 2020
Mga Púdios (Sticks)
Sa Ininglis, ang pulong “stick” adunay tulo (3) ka kahulogan. Adunay “stick” nga
nagkahulogan og pilit o pagpilit. Ang “stick” nagkahulogan usab og paggimaw o pagturogsoy.
Aduna usab ing kahulogan ang “stick” nga usa ka gamay nga sanga o púdlos. Kining tulo ka mga “stick” sa Ininglis adunay dul-an sa tulo kagatos (300) nga mga tumbas nga pulong sa Binisaya.
Ang atong tukibon karon mao lamang ang “stick” nga tumbas sa pudlos sa Binisaya aron dili kaayo daghan ang mga pulong.
1. bahaót – A rattan stick that serves or used as a whip.
2. balalawán – A stick or object used for coiling cords, strings, etc. Also, buborán.
3. balinsay – Jackstraw, a game of sticks.
4. balisong – Boomerang; a throwing stick that has the capability to return to the location of the thrower. Also, balitáng.
5. balitang – Boomerang: a kind of curved throwing stick. Also, balisong.
6. bangág – A stick that is used for beating. (Kp: bunál).
7. basál – Stick or drumstick used to beat beils and drums.
8. bastón – (Sp: baston). 1. Cane or stick used for walking. (Kp: sungkód). 2. Truncheon. (Kp: uiisi). 3. Swagger stick, decorated stick carried by military commanders. (Kp: panghuláb).
9. batiwtiw – The short stick used in the game of tip-cat or sáto or siyáto. Also, pangának; samparíbot.
10. bugsangá – 1. A forked stick with the main shaft usable for stirring. (Kp: kutaw). 2. Hayfork; a long handled fork for turning or pitching hay by hand. (Kp: alhóg).
11. buluniyo – Chocolate beater, a small stick with flaring end used to beat chocolate by twirling with the palms of the hand. (Kp: batil; kútaw; pangkútaw).
12. bunál – 1. The stick or cane for beating or striking. Also, bunáw. (Kp: batuta; ulisi). 2. Billy, as policeman’s club or stick.
13. bungánbungán – A kind of forked stick to which is anchored the ridge of houses and edifices.
14. daga – The short stick of the type of arnis that uses two sticks.
15. dagiyangás – Pole or stick of lumber. (Kp: pintol).
16. gahób – A pointed stick or other similar instrument to extract sweet potatoes or other root
Tops, grub-stick. (Kp: gahỏk; panglin, lub-áng).
17. haróg – À pole or stick used as support to the climbing vines of root crops; trellis. (Kp: katayán)
18. igtutúdlo – Pointer, a stick or device use to indicate what is being talked about, as when lecturing
19. istáka – Stake; picket, a short stick or pole that is implanted in the ground. Also, usók; tagsók; hangtál.
20. kali – The stick used for digging root crops; grub-stick. (Kp: panglin; lub-ang)
21 karang – Stilt or stick with steps that can be used for walking, usually as a plaything. Also, kálang.
22. katong – A stick when struck with a bamboo serves as a scarecrow in the fields.
23. kawhi – 1. Tooth cleaner; dental floss. (Kp: hingiki; katám sa ngipon). 2. Swab; a stick with a wad of cotton at the ends.
24. kawó – Hook; crook. A curved stick attached to an object to serve as a hook for hanging.
25. kutáw – Muddler; the stick or utensil used in stirring liquids. (Kp: buluniyo; bugsanga).
26. lág-id – To scratch oneself with a stick to remove the itch. (Kp: kálot; id-id).
27. lápò – To beat a person, who is already found guilty, with a stick or vine so that he will stand or sit. (Kp: hámpak).
28. ligtiw – The jumping, springing, or ejection of a small stick when its tip is struck. Also, lagtiw.
29. lub-áng – A short stick used for excavating root crops: grub-stick. (Kp: panglin: gahób; bal-is).
30. lugàlúgà – A stick or long object that is inserted in a hole too big for the stick. (Kp: lahuláho).
31. palandók – A forked stick piaced at the tip of the mast of a ship or boat. it is used to raise or lower something, especially the sail.
32. paliyo-1. The mid-rib of coco palm leaf or frond. Also, tukog. 2. A stick or bamboo used as needle to string together leaves and similar objects. (Kp: tuhog).
33. palmita – Ferule; a flat stick or ruler sometimes used for punishing children; to punish children by beating with a stick. (Kp: kuliyaw; pilpil).
34. panghuláb – Swagger stick. A stick carried by military commanders to show authority. (Kp: bastón)
35. panginahan – In the game of sató or tip-cat, it refers to the long stick.
36. pangkol – A small piece of stick or pole where there i5 a loop ot cord. At that loop will be inserted another pole that will serve as the attaching place of cargoes; billet.
3/. panglin – Digging stick used in harvesting root crops. Also, lub-ang. (Kp: gahob).
S8. parwan – In making nipa shingles, it refers to the bamboo stick where the nipa leaves are folded over to form one shingle. The usual length is one meter. (Kp: pawöd).
39. pingwit-To filch something by means of a stick or similar objects. (Kp: sungkit).
4u. pitagong- ihe cleaning stick used by tuba or coconut wine gatherer in cleaning the gathering tude.
41. púdlos -A single stick or rod. (Kp: bos).
42. puspós -The club, cudgel, or stick used in beating.
43. samparibot – The short stick in the game of tip cat or sato. Also, panganak; batiwtiw
44. sátò – A stick game called tip cat.
45. sugkód 1. Walking stick. Also, súngkod. 2. Mace; a club-shaped staff of office or authority.
46. súlhay-Stylus, a small stick or needle for making engravings or to work with it. (Kp: kulit).
47. Sungkod- Walking cane; any stick or similar object used to help a disabled person to walk; crutch. (Kp: tungkod). A tungkod is a walking staff.
48. tagsok -Stake; a stick or post sharpened at one end for driving into the ground. Kp: tások).
49. talúmbang- A length of bamboo or stick used to substitute a length of rope or tether.
50. tangkawán – A small stick used to transfer fire from one source to another tinder.
51. tasok- Dibbie stick, a stick used for making holes in the ground where the seed is planted. (Kp: lúb-ang).
52. tiririt- In the game of billiards, it is a stick that help support the cue of the player
in order to hit the cue ball, cue-Dridge.
53. tugsok -1. Skewer, Stick used for piercing something Also, tusok. (Kp: tuhog8). Goad, a sharp pointed stick used to urge on an animat. (hp tusok).
4. tuhog- Skewer; cue, spit; the stick or string used in stringing together (Kp:
55. tuklang- A pole or stick used to prop the panel ot à swinging window pane to keep the window open. (p: tuko).
56. tulawóg-1. In a trap, it is the stick or pole that is bent to be the springing device; spring pole. (Kp: bulawog). 2. A pole that is used for vaulting or jumping: pole vault. (Kp: limbuyóg; tukón).
57. túngkod-1. Walking cane; walking staff. Also, súngkod. Túngkod is usually
refers to a long stick or walking staff used as support when walking. (Kp:
58. udok-A small spade, stick or poie used for digging the ground either for pianting or harvesting. (Kp: lub-ang)
59. ulisi- Fighting-stick; a stick used for fighting bu, usok-A pole or stick that is sharpened at the tip and implanted into the ground to protect a plant. (Kp: ugsok).
61. walwa8-A Small stick or wire tor probing or inserting into a hole. (Kp: kulk08; kulitog)
62. yardahán- (Sp: yarda). Yardstick: a stick with length equal to one yard, commonly marked with subdivisions. (Kp: barahán).