This is the P in the vaccination of DPT. And what is Pertussis? This is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by Bordetella pertussis.
It has a characteristic type of coughing wherein there is a repeated attack of spasmodic coughing and with a crowing sound called the “whoop” and usually followed by vomiting. With this unique characteristic, it is otherwise known as the “whooping cough”.
Pertussis is transmitted exclusively by direct contact or droplet spread from an infected child during the incubation period and early catarrhal stage.
The prevalence is high in developing countries in under crowded living conditions and poor nutritional status.
Clinically, the incubation period is from 7 to 14 days and the whole course of the disease is about 6 weeks.
1. catarrhal stage:
– sneezing
– watery nasal discharges
– cough
– low grade fever
2. Paroxysmal stage
– the paroxysmal or spasmodic character of the cough is recognizable. There is a series of successive explosive bursts ending in a sudden noisy inspiration associated with a long high- pitched crowing sound or whoop. During the attack the child may become cyanotic and may have vomiting. Convulsions may occur as a result of anoxia and intracerebral haemorrhages.
3. Convalescent stage
– this may occur by the end of the fourth and sixth week.
The dreaded complications of Pertussis include otitis media, pneumonia, flare up of latent tuberculous infection, spontaneous pneuomothorax, bronchiectasis and atelectasis. A serious complication is the occurrence of convulsions due to brain damage from asphyxia, bleeding and encephalopathy.
This is Pertussis and this can be avoided if we adhere to the vaccination program set by the Department of Health. So please dear mothers, in taking care of your beloved children, protect them, immunize them. Thank you!