Things to Know about Dental Braces
(Part 3)
Let us continue our discussion on the types of braces. This week we will focus on ceramic braces.
Ceramic braces are among the braces variants that attempt to solve the aesthetic problems caused by metal braces.
Even though ceramic and metal braces have the same size and shape, ceramic braces feature tooth-colored or clear brackets which blend better with the underlying teeth compared to the more obvious look of metal braces.
Moreover, there are ceramic braces that use tooth-colored wires aiming to completely hide the braces from getting recognized.
Some people are quite hesitant to use braces because they look obvious when they are being used, especially the metal kind.
The metal braces are obvious-looking and may be obtrusive.
In fact, some children who wear metal braces get teased a lot. Ceramic braces are less noticeable than metal braces at the very least. Ceramic braces also move teeth faster than Invisalign. Ceramic braces offer metal brace effectiveness while being partly unnoticeable.
Ceramic tooth-colored brackets may have problems with staining because they’re tooth-colored.
The metal braces don’t stain as much. It’s quite tough to brush one’s teeth with metal braces, and it is even tougher to do so with brackets as they stain.
It takes 18 months to 36 months or 1½ years to 3 years for a set of ceramic braces to straighten the teeth out.
Metal braces take 6 months to 24 months or ½ a year to 2 years before they can straighten the teeth.