More Things to Know About Cosmetic Dentistry?

(Part 8)

Let us focus our attention this week on implants and dental fillings as a service being provided by cosmetic dentists.

Dental implants are used to make sure the dentures for missing teeth seem and feel like natural teeth by providing solid foundations. 
Implants are effective in ensuring the patient will not lose the cap or crown on the teeth when dentures are being removed.
Experts say that there are 3 parts of the implant, they are the titanium implant or post, the abutment, and the dental crown, bridge, or denture connected solidly to the protruding part of the implant using the abutment.
Now we move on to the dental fillings.
Dental fillings used to be made of metals like gold or metals combined with mercury. Some are veneered with porcelain. At present, dental fillings are made with composite materials that mimic the natural tooth‘s appearance. It can be also made of porcelain which is known to be tougher.
These fillings often have colors in order to provide aesthetics.

Fillings typically bonded to the underlying problematic teeth structures using resin adhesives. These fillings are mercury-fee.
So is cosmetic dentistry a real thing?

There is no real difference between regular dentists and cosmetic dentists unlike the difference between regular surgeons and cosmetic surgeons. Many regular dental services don’t only improve teeth health and integrity but also aesthetics. The nice appearance of teeth is a priority for all dentists. Perhaps, teeth bleaching can be considered as strictly done for beautification.
The cosmetic dentist should be a specialist in the field of dental beautification versus normal dentistry.

The thing is that for the patient, going to a regular dentist or to a cosmetic dentist doesn’t matter a lot because the important thing is that the tooth will get the best care possible.